Some Of The Dangers Worrying Chareidim Regarding The Nationality Law

The heads of the chareidi parties in Knesset repeatedly claim that they do not like the Nationality Law, but are forced to vote for it because of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s threatens that failure to support the law could lead to early elections, as reported by YWN-Israel.

Those who are currently devoting their time to fighting the law are MK Yisrael Eichler, who repeatedly warns that the law will lead to a real danger to the chareidi tzibur and the Jewish people in Eretz HaKodesh. He called on his chareidi colleagues to consult with Gedolei Yisrael due to the dangers contained in the bill.

An examination conducted by the Liba Yehudit Institute, which examined the sections of the law and the subsections, raises grave concern for the recognition of the Reform Movement, the wholesale Chilul Shabbos and the aliyah of masses of goyim to Eretz Yisrael.

Members of the Liba Institute sent a position paper to members of the chareidi parties in Knesset citing the dangers contained in the bill, dangers which they insist will impact the chareidi tzibur and Jewish people in the Holy Land, asking them to postpone the vote until the next session of Knesset to permit time to implement changes.

Article 5 states: “The State shall be open to Jewish immigration and to the ingathering of the exiles.”

The fear: the expansion of the concept of aliya from “Jewish immigration” to the “ingathering of the exiles” constitutes a significant opening for the rise of non-Jewish population groups.

Section 6A states: “The State shall endeavor to ensure the well-being of the Jewish people and of its citizens in distress and in captivity due to their Jewishness or citizenship.”

The concern: a comparison of the status of the citizens of the state (by implication – non-Jews), which is inseparable from the Jewish people, harms the state’s special commitment to the Jewish people.

Article 6c states: “The State shall act to preserve the heritage … of the Jewish people among Diaspora Jews.”

The fear: This section necessarily allows the High Court of Justice to officially recognize the Reform streams.

Article 8 states: “The Hebrew calendar is an official calendar of the State, and alongside it the Gregorian calendar shall serve as an official calendar as well.”

The concern: the designation of the Gregorian calendar as an official calendar in a Basic Law presents an affront to the Jewish identity of the state.

Article 10 states: “Shabbos and Yomim Tovim shall be the days of rest established in the State, and those who are not Jews shall have the right to hold days of rest on their Sabbath and festivals.

The fear: This clause effectively breaks the status quo regarding Shabbos and forces the Knesset to enact new laws on Shabbos, laws that will probably not preserve the current legal situation.

According to the sources who examined the law on behalf of Liba: “A thorough analysis of the sections of the law and the conduct of the High Court of Justice in recent years presents a clear danger to the opening of a door to the concept of “Jewish” with respect to the Law of Return and Aliyah to Israel as well as the crushing of all municipal bylaws regarding the observance of Shabbos in the public sphere.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Why is MK Eichler so worried that the state of Israel woll lose it’s so called Jewish character? what has this state have in common with the Jewish law? NOTHING, NADA, ZERO, ZILTCH,

  2. chymee, that is narrow,

    For many of the traditional and even some secular, this status till now has kept them from assimilation

  3. The Law is schizophrenic
    Part will reportedly to make the country more jewish, and Part will do the opposite!!

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