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SIKRIKIM VS SHABAVNIKIM: Chareidim Chase Immodestly Dressed Woman in Ramat Beit Shemesh [VIDEO]



As reported by YWN-Israel, extremist elements in the frum community in Beit Shemesh have declared war against the “shabavnikim”, the youth from the community who have R”L drifted and spend time hanging out at night, as well as acting and dressing differently than they were raised. Instead of trying to bring them closer, possibly developing a program to accommodate them and bring them back into the community, the “sikrikim” are determined to drive them out of the community to limit their influence on others.

In the accompanying video, we see the actions of community residents on Monday night, the eve of 5 Menachem Av, as a mob chases after a lone female whom they decided is not dressed in adherence to modesty standards. This occurred on Nahar Yarden Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

It has been announced on Tuesday that they plan to be out at night as well, as well as every night, determined to oust these young people from their homes and community.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: מחאות חרדים הקיצונים)

20 Responses

  1. So who are the real spiritual threat in this case?
    I would put the value of one OTD “shababnick” at 10,000 sikriki yerushalmi extremist.
    Just more evidence that these deadending insurgents should be drafted and sent to forced military service.

  2. extremists can not be m’karev kids who drop out due to extremism.

    or as my mother a”h used to teach me, “all extremists are bad and to be avoided”

  3. True Chareidi: so you think army conscription should be used as a punishment like the Cantonists in the Czar’s army 170 years ago? Do you think for a moment that the army even wants or needs such people? It would be prudent to stop raising this foolish argument every time someone does something you don’t like.

  4. If YWN and some of its posters had been alive in the generation of the dor ha’midbar, they would have been yelling at Pinchas.

  5. @ah yid and CA- You guys have no clue what you’re talking about. Shabobs are a scourge in our cities, beating, mugging, harassing people to no end. We’re not talking about some kids chilling on MS in J2 in lakewood or smoking weed by the lake. We’re talking about delinquent kids, who walk around picking fights, bothering girls, just being plain old awful. You try and be mekarev them- they’ll kick the crud outta you. Keep your american opinions in america, on topics you understand.
    Not that I love the crazy beit shemesh guys either, but they’re far less violent and dangerous.

  6. ah yid and charedi amiti – you are living in a world wholly disconnected from the reality of the sikrikim cult. The sikrikim have zero interest in being mekarev anyone. The Israeli army is there to defend the country and its citizens. It is not a boot camp. Without a doubt, these people need to be dealt with but by the Israeli police and Courts to the full extent of the law. It is impossible to tell from the video what was really going. If they were chasing the female seen at the very beginning, then the police need to arrest a few of them and the Courts then need to sentence them to the maximum jail sentence allowed. If they then violently demonstrate against the arrests, arrest more of them. That is the only – the sole – language they will understand if indeed they even understand that. A major part of the problem is that the Police neither have the resources or the willpower to deal with the problem. Another alternative would be to build a wall around where they live and forbid entry or exit, yes a ghetto, but that is essentially what the cultists want.

  7. So what do the radical left in the US have in common with the extremist Sikrikim? Instead of spreading their ideas thru dialogue, they both resort to mob mentality and as a result they are both losing influence and support. And both will end up with bad endings. How sad.

  8. Yes, of course those need a lot of KIRUV, but in the neantime i would’nt want my kids to be in this enviroment, but i’m sure that this MUST be another way of doing thing rather then declaring war on them

  9. Because Jewish community IGNORED the disgusting Peleg Riots And Hafganos Street Rioters, now they are emboldened and spreading like a Virus. This screaming and rioting in Streets is the same as Arab Youth, ISIS, and other Goyish groups like ANTIFA and Occupy. They don’t know that Dressing in Hats and Bekeshe doesn’t make you a Yid- your Behavior makes you a yid.

  10. If these Aggressive Rioters Street thugs have all this time and energy out of Beis Medrash, why can’t they serve in the Army?

  11. Sorry but the word you used “sikrikin” means something different

    see gemura gitin 56:
    לא היה
    סיקרייקון בהרוגי מלחמה בהרוגי ביהודה
    and see rashi
    סיקרייקון עובד כוכבים רוצח שנותן לו ישראל קרקע בפדיון נפשו ואומר לו שא קרקע זו ואל תמיתני

  12. Being a strong Torah Jew means you have the Spiritual strength to live in the World that is full of all sorts of Creations. If you are very weak, you can lock yourself up in a House or Village where everyone is a Twin Of you. But you can’t go around the world Screaming and Harrassing People who u aren’t like you! For THOUSANDS OF YEARS, through PROGROMS and Exiles, And Persecutions, JEWS NEVER BEHAVED LIKE SCREAMING WILD ANIMALS in Streets! Never! But Now these Peleg Chayos think they can abuse and harass people while dressed like Frum Yidden?? How dare they bring Dishonor to their Black Hat costumes!

  13. If they were in Bais Medrash, they wouldn’t see a girl walking in Street, but they are constantly roaming streets not learning, not working.

  14. Chyme: you don’t want your kids in that “environment”? The environment is your warm Yiddish HOME that you make, your Kind warm loving PARENTING. That environment and chinuch teaches kids Yiddishkeit in any “environment” such as Subway Of Manhattan, Lower East Side, Miami, Bronx, Brooklyn, Paris, Atlanta, Los Angeles. A strong Torah Jew is Frum in any environment. And Ramat Bet Shemesh is a Very Frum Neighborhood.

  15. YWN congratulations for yet another lousy article and astoundingly poor journalism
    You see a girl running and she’s gone. Then you see a bunch of people running. Connection? Assumed, not proven. Far from it.
    Apart from that, don’t you know the geography of RBS? A girl like that a) doesn’t live there and b) would not be innocently passing through.
    “Sikrikim” aka people who care about the frum nature of their neighborhood that they paid above-market price for in order to live without pritzus, are fed up with people deliberately provoking them.
    As other posters pointed out, they aren’t innocent bystanders by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone who’s lived near these people knows the trouble they make. They could stay in their own neighborhoods – of which there are far more – but they enjoy stirring up trouble.
    I would like to be able to add “and you play right into their hands” but after so many anti-chareidi articles, you no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt.
    You became an anti-religious rag, and no, I don’t expect you to publish this post.
    Unbelievable what is happening in this generation. Why don’t you just call yourselves Der Sturmer?

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