Beit Shemesh Fanatics Declare War On Shabavnikim

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The fanatics of Beit Shemesh declared war on the shabavnikim who sit and spend their time in the neighborhood, which they claim is damaging to local youth.

During the night (Monday), the zealots arrived on Nahar Yarden Street, corner of Rival, the area where the dropout youths gather nightly, instructing them to leave the area.

Bechadrei Chareidim reports two young men were injured during the fight and were taken to a hospital in Jerusalem for treatment. Beit Shemesh police officers who were called arrested one of those involved in the fight. The police opened an investigation to locate those involved in the violence.

The zealots intend to continue to confront the dropout youths who wander around the neighborhood until they travel outside the borders of the neighborhood, and eventually outside the community, so there may be more incidents in the area prompted by the same background.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. it is the extremists in all elements that cause more harm than the good they think they are doing. Extreme people in all spectrums are generally ignoramuses and lack the ability to think so instead of using their brains they rely on extreme positions to justify their stupid actions.

  2. Daas Torah
    How do you think it’s okay to not let people live because you don’t like there dress code or the time they are hanging out

  3. Daas Torah, go ask your Rav what he thinks about your lack of Ahavas Yisrael. Obviously, you support the fact that these kids were physically assaulted just for being in the park. Were you one of the thugs?

    As for the OTD youth – and girls – I too would like to see them off the streets. I know a few of them personally, and they are not bad people. They are lost. And as the saying goes, you catch more bees with honey than vinegar. The further you try to ram things down their throats, the more they rebel. I don’t know what the answer is, I listen to my friends fears and despair over their OTD kids, & I feel powerless. But one thing is certain – beating them up is worse than the kids’ behavior. I wish some of the fathers would catch up with these thugs and teach them a lesson they will never forget. Then take their kids home.

    Bet fanatics: stay in your own filthy back yards. We don’t want you in Aleph or Gimmel.

  4. @garlic- A valiant attempt at sounding intelligent 👍

    I wish everyone would do this to all the shabobs- they are the worst.

  5. Count Vladimir of Romania had a serious problem of poverty in his province. So he built a large dinning hall and invited all the poor people to a feast. After they were all seated and eating, he had his soldiers lock the doors from the outside and set fire to the building. All those inside were burned to death. That is how Count Vladimir solved the problem of poverty in his domain. Seems to me he has a few Hasidim in Beit Shemesh.

  6. Its a problem that the community created. Because these folks do not or cannot do the only thing that the community wants them to do, sit in a yeshiva, and community offers no alternative like allowing them to learn a trade, get drafted, get a bagrut and still be connected these boys will continue to just sit around until they figure out these or illegal alternatives.

    As far as these self appointed policeman, they should also get a job

  7. “…….none of us would want these bums affecting negatively our children…..”

    Which bums you talking about?

  8. seems “the bums” want to be left alone and are not interested in “affecting” anyone. a shame other groups of bums wont leave them alone.

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