High Court Orders The Release Of Duma Arson Minor

Supreme Court Justice Ofir Grosskopf rejected the state’s appeal and paved the way for the minor’s release from a Duma trial from detention.

We recall that the State Attorney’s Office filed an appeal with the Supreme Court against the decision of the District Court, which ordered the minor’s release to house arrest under severe restrictive conditions, including an electronic bracelet and supervision.

Attorney Zion Amir stated that “Undoubtedly the rejection of the state’s appeal by the Supreme Court was done lawfully and justly. Although two and a half years of long and penetrating legal battle have taken place, one must be comforted by two things, one being released from detention, the other the court’s determinations about the torture that the minor underwent during his interrogations, as a result of which the confessions obtained by such improper means were revoked.

“I very much hope that the State Prosecutor’s Office will learn and clarify the position that was brought in the decisions of the District Court and the Supreme Court and will consider canceling the proceedings or at least the decisive part that is being conducted against the minor.”

Attorney Adi Keidar of Honenu added that “it is good the state’s appeal was not presented at all, and it symbolized persecution and continued torture against the minor, especially the lack of internalization and failure to accept a decision by the State Attorney’s Office.

“The Supreme Court accepts our arguments, as determined by the District Court, and determines that the decision of the minor trial creates a real erosion of the strength of the evidence, especially against the grave charges.

After the disqualification of the evidence which constituted the final termination of the first stage of this trial, is now dispensed with when the minor is released until his absolute acquittal.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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