SECOND TIME THIS WEEK: Israel launches Patriot Missile At Drone Approaching From Syria

For the second time this week, Israel fired a Patriot missile at a UAV approaching its border from Syria.

The Patriot was launched from Tzefas at around 3:00PM on Friday afternoon.

There was no confirmation from the IDF that the hit was successful.

There were no reports of injuries or damage over the drone’s incursion.

It comes just two days after the IDF shot down a Syrian drone that penetrated several miles into Israeli territory from Syria. In that case, the IDF had waited 16 minutes before striking the drone to rule out the possibility it was operated by Russia.

The IDF retaliated on Thursday, by destroying three military positions in Syria.

Last month, Israel fired a missile at a drone that approached its airspace near the Syrian frontier, and in February Israel shot down what it said was an Iranian drone that entered its airspace. It bombed Iranian targets in Syria in response to that incident.

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