UN Warns Israeli Closure Due To Kite-Terror Will Worsen Conditions In Gaza

The U.N. agency for Palestinians says new Israeli restrictions on Gaza will worsen living conditions there.

Agency spokesman Chris Gunness said Thursday it could have “profound and far-reaching consequences for already desperate civilians.”

Gaza is home to nearly 2 million people, 80 percent of whom rely on humanitarian aid.

Israel this week shut the only cargo crossing with Gaza in response to incendiary kites and balloons sent across the frontier into Israel. It is still allowing food, medicine and humanitarian aid in through the crossing.

The kites are part of a campaign led by Gaza’s terrorist Hamas rulers against a crippling blockade Israel and Egypt imposed when the Islamic militant group seized control of the territory in 2007.


7 Responses

  1. Yeah, the Israelis should just open the floodgates and let Hamas take over Israel altogether! Right, UN, Unnecessary Nincompoops?

  2. So what’s the problem if conditions worsen are we supposed to feel bad hey un y don’t u warn the lousy Arabs that if they keep attacking the Jews their situation will get worse and get THEM to deal with it

  3. Awww, poor terrorists. Maybe stop using everything including KITES to try to murder Jews and your living conditions will improve.

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