Yisrael Beitenu MK: Why Would Chareidim Rely On The High Court?

According to MK (Yisrael Beitenu) Oded Forer, the chareidi parties would be wise to back the current draft law, for if not, they are going to be find their plight is in the hands of the High Court of Justice, which will be less sympathetic.

Speaking with Kol Berama Radio, Forer, a member of the special committee formulating the new draft law, explains the chareidim are making a mistake, citing if they continue with their refusal to accept the draft law, they will be at the mercy of the High Court, which may disqualify this law as was done with the previous one. This would be far worse than the current situation.

Echoing the sentiment of his party’s leader, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Forer stated his party will not tolerate any changes to the draft law proposed by the special committee, including relatively minor changes. Lieberman has released numerous statements regarding this, adamant in his position.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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