Many Tiveria Residents Are Preparing For A Major Earthquake

Many residents of the northern city of Tiveria were alarmed when their area was hit with a number of earthquakes last week, along with at least 25 tremors. Seismological experts warn a major earthquake is due to hit the region, and many Tiveria residents are taking heed of this warning, as they view last week’s small earthquakes and tremors as a precursor to what awaits chas v’sholom.

Adding to their concerns, a retired IDF colonel last week sounded the alarm. Having served in the Homefront Command, the colonel warned a major earthquake is about to devastate the northern area of the country.

Tiveria Mayor Yossi Ben David visited the areas which sustained damage in recent earthquakes, accompanied by IDF Homefront Northern District Commander Colonel Itzik Bar and other officers. The city has established a PSTD hotline along with four information centers to assist residents and allay their fears as much as possible. Work is already underway to repair damage to homes in the city by city and IDF experts. Damage to one building was so significant, that three families had to leave their apartments.

Some residents are quoted telling Ynet “it is absurd that millions have been spent on the Iron Dome, when the damage from an earthquake is incomparable”, fearing what waits ahead.

Residents explain that the reports of earthquakes under the Kinneret may have just been another news item for most people, but for them, those who felt it, they perceive it as a warning bell and they remain most concerned that chalila, the worst is yet to come.

Experts have been warning a major earthquake is going to hit Israel soon, and the nation is ill prepared. This prediction, from 2016, has been repeated numerous times of late. These predictions include up to 7,000 fatalities chas v’sholom, along with over 8,500 injured and 170,000 left homeless. An estimated 9,500 people will be trapped under rubble.

As such, many residents are consulting with experts and taking measures to better prepare for what could chas v’sholom be a major ‘natural disaster’.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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