HaGaon HaRav Amar Lashes Out Against Toeiva Parades Around Israel

Jerusalem Chief Sephardi Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita came out in a sharp attack against the Toeiva marches taking place around the country.

During his weekly shiur in Jerusalem, Rav Amar said: “The God of those who hates lasciviousness, these acts of toeiva, these abominations, which are conducted openly. This is the fiftieth gate of impurity, and so brazenly open … Such impertinence… We must be afraid of this!”

“We must be afraid of them, not from Haman, not from Pharaoh, not from Achashverosh,” continued Rabbi Amar.

“All of these things are null and void, God stands, we do not know one of one one-thousandth of what God does, we [simply] do not know. When the people of Israel did not preserve their sanctity, the people of Israel failed, and perhaps you will say that today there are no such things … to our sorrow [this is not the case], God have mercy on us. Enough with the internet which is the Bilam of the generation” the rav concluded.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Very true. This is like sedom vehamorrah. It is scary how open and accepted this has become and becoming more encouraged by the day. Truly frightening. And then we wonder why there is so much nonstop chaos in Israel. It is self inflicted by corrupt and apikorsim. All we can do is daven.

  2. katan hatorau
    our accusation still stands. whenever there’s a hashkafa subject your
    always on ther sitra achreh side. your excuses keep
    ‘talmud huyah shematahar es hashrotzim b’150 tamim’

  3. Complaining about an issue after the fact is meaningless unless there is action to prevent it from happening again and again. Emor me’at ve’aseh harbeh / say little but do a lot.

    In this case: we understand the problem Do something about it!!!

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