Bayit HaYehudi MK Ariel Visits Mir Yeshiva

Bayit HaYehudi MK Uri Ariel visited the Beis Yisrael area of Yerushalayim, or more accurately Mir Yeshiva. MKs Meir Porush and Uri Maklev escorted Ariel, providing him with a firsthand look of the world of chareidi limud Torah.

As they entered the hall Ariel was surprised at the sound level, the limud Torah. They spoke with the mashgiach of the yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Chodosh, who explained the seder hayom, the learning schedule of the young talmidim who seemed undistracted by the VIP guest.

Ariel is shomer Shabbos, but was nevertheless taken aback by the sight, apparently a new one for him, a sight that is somewhat different from the dati leumi yeshivot which are far more familiar to him for that is his world. Ariel was visibly impressed and the Yahadut Hatorah MKs explained that was their intention, realizing that talking about the yeshivos is one thing, but bringing an MK here to see it is quite another.

Ariel heads the Bayit HaYehudi coalition negotiating team and if his party enters the government, he is in a position to become a cabinet minister.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. What is so different at the Yeshivot that Ariel is familiar with from what he saw at Mir, other than perhaps the larger number (and louder noise) of bochurim learning in one room?

  2. Probably to make everyone on board it would be a great opportunity for the UTJ MKs to visit a Hesder Yeshiva and Mercaz Harav and take note of their seder hayom, etc.

    If only the doors to limud hatorah could be open for many Israeli residents who have no idea what is happening behind the doors of the Beis Medresh.

  3. Smart move. Got to give Mr. Ariel credit for being maskim to visit the Yeshiva. Let’s hope it will lead to something good.

  4. “a sight that is somewhat different from the dati leumi yeshivot”

    Seriously? What exactly is different? The color of the kippahs? The size of the beis medresh? The Torah is the same. The kol Torah is the same. And yes, so is the hislahavus in the beis medresh. Perhaps the writer of this article should visit the batei midrashim of a few dati leumi yeshivos.

  5. Too bad we can’t vote for individuals instead of parties. I voted for Bayit Yehudi and I don’t know anyone on the list, including this man.

  6. #3 Why shouldnt or wouldnt he?
    Not familiar with all of the Bayit Yehudi MKs, but those that i have heard of or seen are menschen and sincere in doing good for Klal Yisroel.

  7. Your article implied that the “Hareidi” and “Dati Leumi” are ignorant of each other. That just isn’t true. The communities learn at each other’s yeshivos, learn from the same books, go to each other’s shul, intermarry, etc. He would hardly be baffled or amazed.

    What is important is the political meaning of the visit, which you didn’t discuss. The “Dati Leumi” want to avoid a situation by which “Hareidi” yeshiva students are rounded up and thrown in prison for serving in the army, since it would make the former look like their willingness to serve in the army was motivated by fear rather than love. Indeed, the position of all Shomer Shabbos who serve in the army would become awkward if the military prisons start getting filled up with Orthodox Jews who are refusing to serve in the army.

    I suspect Ariel doesn’t object if they cut off government subsidies from yeshiva students who don’t serve in the army (and will approve strongly if they then give those subsidies to army veterans learning in yeshiva), but will be very upset if they start throwing yeshiva boys (and all the more so, frum girls) in prison over the matter (as the Lapid plan calls for).

  8. The psychological analysis of MK Ariel provided by the writer of the post is complete and utter nonsense. I would recommend that he visit any of the many vibrant yeshivos of the Torani/Dati world to get a first-hand look at limmud Torah at the highest level. The problem is (and here comes my psychological analysis) is that for him or other chareidim to expose themselves to the truth would threaten the very core of their belief system.

  9. Your article implied that the “Hareidi” and “Dati Leumi” are ignorant of each other.

    Once again, facts that are not facts!!!.
    My nephew who learns in Othniel has never been to a Charedi yeshiva nor have Charedim come to visit his, besides some extended family members. Even some of the sefarim learnt in DL yeshivos, Kuzari, Sifrei Emunah, Nach with DasMikre is almost never touched in Charedi yeshivos. In Rechovot, Petach Tikvah, Rananna and Rechavia they may mingle & merge in shul or grocery stores, yet marriage are infrequent unless we are including Anglo Charedim (a seperate breed).

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