Immodestly Dressed Female Attacked Near Yeshiva In Tiveria

A 19-year-old female walking near a yeshiva on motzei Shabbos was attacked with rocks after some felt she was immodestly dressed.

The woman was wearing sports clothing and passed near Yeshivas HaRav Kook in Tiveria. According to police, she was targeted with rocks near the yeshiva.

BeChadrei Chareidim reports that those who threw the rocks also shouted “shiksa” as they attacked her. The young female was transported to a local hospital for treatment, and then released. Police have launched an investigation, reporting they do not believe the attackers are local residents, but guests who were staying in a hotel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Great. More shandeh. Hopefully the persons who attacked this young lady were just on leave from duty in Meah Shearim, and the plague of “chareidi” vigilantism hasn’t spread to the good people of Tiveria.

    Rocks can be lethal weapons. These people can be held guilty of attempted murder. They certainly aren’t going to get any prizes for effective kiruv techniques. They should be arrested, prosecuted, and if convicted punished accordingly.

  2. Unfair,misleading headline. Your own story reports that the police “do not believe the attackers are local residents, but guests who were staying in a hotel.” And you don’t specifically substantiate “after some felt she was immodestly dressed.” You just quote another news site. Not exactly a primary source.
    Per the police anyone, foreigner, maniac, terrorist, anyone at all, might be responsible for this attack on the 19 yo girl. Your headline might more accurately have read ” Rocks and epithets launched at young woman in Tverya” or “Teen evaluated/released at hospital after rock assault ” followed by, “Police suspect ‘tnius enforcement’ by unknown assailant” . So the yeshiva students and staff won’t have to apologize for the behavior of a transient lunatic.

    And on the subject of headlines, “Tzefas Father Hits Daughter With Vehicle, Leaving Her Fighting for Her Life R”L”. Bad enough for this poor man, Hashem yerachem on him and his child and family, your headline leaves room to think the father committed a crime. It slants one’s perception. How about “2 yo seriously injured in tragic accident” and then follow with details. So we’re not wondering if her father “hit her ” deliberately and then “leaves” her.

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