Rav Amar Calls On MK Azoulai To Resign From Knesset Kosel-Planning Committee

Jerusalem Chief Sephardi Rav HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita, is calling on Minister of Religious Affairs (Shas) David Azoulai to resign from the Knesset Committee addressing Kosel renovations and the establishment of an egalitarian prayer area for Reform and Conservative Jews. Amar hopes that his resignation will prevent the advancement of the planned renovations.

Ahead of the Ministerial Committee’s vote regarding the renovations, scheduled for Sunday, 25 Tammuz, Rav Amar sent a letter to Minister Azoulai calling on him to take advantage of his status as a committee member to act “towards saving the remnant of the Beis Hamikdash” and resign and thereby not play a role in the attempt to accommodate Reform Jewry at the Kosel.

In his letter Rav Amar calls on Azoulai to act to preserve the holiness of the Kosel which may be trampled and violated due to pride. He explains that his resignation from the committee as Minister of Religious Services will at the very least delay the committee’s decision.

It is explained the committee requires a minimum number to convene and Azoulai’s resignation would invalidate the committee.

Azoulai complied with the rav’s request, submitting his resignation from the committee on Sunday. This leaves only PM Netanyahu and Minister (Likud) Yuval Steinitz on the committee.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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