Minister Deri Seeks To Advance Chief Rabbinate’s Kashrus Reform

Just as the government is about to inform the High Court of Justice that it failed to find a solution to the state kashrus system, the cabinet on Sunday morning will approve the recommendations of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel Council.

In recent weeks, following a decision by the Chief Rabbinate Council to separate the relationship between a mashgiach and business being supervised, a demand made by the High Court justice a year ago, the government has yet to make a decision to promote the amendment to the legislation.

In recent days senior officials in the justice system have realized that the kashrus system in Israel is in danger, since the High Court of Justice ordered the reform to be completed a week ago, and the state should have officially informed the High Court that the government had not found a solution.

This deals with the fact that to date, mashgichim are paid by a store they are responsible to supervise. This according to many, including the justices on the High Court, created a conflict of interests. The court ordered the mashgichim must be paid by the Religious Council. in most cases, mashgichim are being employed under the new regulation by a manpower agency to prevent the religious councils from having to pay social benefits, to the detriment of mashgichim.

Kikar Shabbos reports that discussions were held during the night of motzei Shabbos between Shas leader Aryeh Deri and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit. Deri asked him to approve the recommendations of the Chief Rabbinate, as described above.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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