Yahadut Hatorah Factions Divided Regarding New Draft Law

After the draft law passed its first reading in Knesset, the machlokes continues among the chassidish and litvish factions of Yahadut Hatorah. Now, there is discussion among some to work to delay the vote on the bill. Originally, the chareidim insisted the bill be passed into law before the end of the current Knesset summer session. Now, the Agudas Yisrael faction is leaning towards delay, towards pushing off the vote to the next Knesset session, which begins after the Tishrei Yomim Tovim. The Moetzas Gedolei Torah (Admorim) of Agudas Yisrael has instructed its Knesset representatives to break from the coalition if the draft bill is passed into law. The admorim believe that with the limited time remaining of the summer session, agreement will not be reached on the bill, as there is less than two weeks remaining until the parliament breaks for vacation.

According to a Bechadrei Chareidim report, the litvish Degel Hatorah faction of the Yahadut Hatorah party is not in agreement, as is the case with the Sephardi chareidi party, Shas. They are adamantly opposed to delay and working in earnest to pass the bill into law before the current session adjourns. Degel officials believe that whatever flexibility shown by the security establishment towards accommodating chareidim at present will not expand to become increasingly understanding following the summer session.

In the interim, the special committee preparing the bill for its second and final readings in Knesset, is working from morning until late night with the goal of reaching agreement on the changes in the bill to the satisfaction of the defense establishment as well as politicians can be reached now, without any reason or justification for delay.

The Prime Minister and Defense Minister are both interested in completing the bill and passing it into law before the Knesset breaks for summer vacation.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Israel Draft of Orthodox or Haredim is a devastating idea for Israelis.

    A soldier does not fight a battle with just a rifle in his hands and hand grenades attached to his belt. He fights with a band of men who in turn are supported by airplanes, ships, cannons, howitzers, anti-aircraft missiles and other armament.

    Hundreds of miles away there are many more supporters who do not fight at the front but are just as necessary; ammunition manufacturers, cooks, uniform suppliers, etc.

    With this knowledge of thousands backing him a soldier has full confidence in his success in battle. That helps assure bravery and victory on the battlefield.

    More important, a secular or religious soldier’s spirit depends on the Orthodox whose merit in studying Talmud and strict adherence to God’s law his life may hang on.

    It is a self-defeating to force the Orthodox into army service. The backbone of belief in them holds the future of any success as it has done since the acceptance of The Ten Commandments as Mt. Sinai.

    It is a major flaw in believing that taking Orthodox out of their yeshivas will aid the army as it is in allowing any victory to the enemies of Israel.

  2. It is a self-defeating to force the Orthodox into army service. The backbone of belief in them holds the future of any success as it has done since the acceptance of The Ten Commandments as Mt. Sinai.

    Israel Draft of Orthodox or Haredim is a devastating idea for Israelis.

    A soldier does not fight a battle with just a rifle in his hands and hand grenades attached to his belt. He fights with a band of men who in turn are supported by airplanes, ships, cannons, howitzers, anti-aircraft missiles and other armament.

    Hundreds of miles away there are many more supporters who do not fight at the front but are just as necessary; ammunition manufacturers, cooks, uniform suppliers, etc.

    With this knowledge of thousands backing him a soldier has full confidence in his success in battle. That helps assure bravery and victory on the battlefield.

    More important, a secular or religious soldier’s spirit depends on the Orthodox whose merit in studying Talmud and strict adherence to God’s law his life may hang on.

    It is a major flaw in believing that taking Orthodox out of their yeshivas will aid the army as it is in allowing any victory to the enemies of Israel.

  3. “what happened to the litvish they used to be the frummer”
    Litzman & co. who caused barkat to beat more religious candidates,
    who helped Rav Sternt beat Chashuve candidates for CR of Yerushalayim,
    etc,etc.,is now doing a job showing how much more righteous he is!
    The big ? is how come Porush (Litzman caused his son to lose beitar) and Eichler are going along with it?

    It’s all smoke and mirrors

  4. The fight is how best to sell out the thousands of bnei torah & much more $$$ they can squeeze out of this.
    A travesty !!! The holy chofetz chaim is nebach turning in his grave, oy gevald!! This is what the Aguda has become?!?!

    One of the main founding ideals of Agudas Yisroel, was to combat the uprooting of torah & mitzvois by the Zionists.

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