Chareidi Soldier Sentenced To 10 Days Imprisonment For Altercation, But Claims Innocence

A Chareidi soldier was sentenced to ten days in prison after an altercation with a fellow soldier, but ostensibly, for no fault of his own.

The soldier, named Aharon Porat, is married and a father of a young girl, and serves in the army as head of the military rabbinate of the Shachar Kachol (Blue Dawn) battalion in S’dei Dov.

According to testimonies, the soldier has suffered for a long time from harassment by a senior official on the base in which he serves. The official, a kitchen supervisor, is a civilian employed by the IDF.

According to the Chareidim10 News report: “One day Porat went into the kitchen to take some chumus when the civilian employee came in and pushed him toward the refrigerator and began yelling and cursing him,” relates a relative. “Porat filmed the shouts, and the next day he found his phone charger broken on the kitchen floor.”

Later, the Chareidi soldier tried to confront the harasser, but the conversation ended in a fight and the person broke Porat’s phone screen. Porat announced that he would defend himself with tear gas.

Reportedly, the Brigade Commander made the decision to sentence Porat to prison without any in-depth investigation of what really happened during the incident.

Porat’s wife is quoted telling Chareidim10 that her husband comes from a chareidi home that does not support army service, but he nevertheless decided to serve. His family was quite concerned over the price they would pay in the community. She says they have begun to accept his army service, but bemoans that now the army has “put a knife in his back”.

She explains the situation is very hard on her, not to mention the economic aspect as he works part-time and now, in jail, he cannot, and their debts are mounting as a result.

The soldier’s rav, Rabbi Mordechai Ovadia, who heads the chareidi mechina Chanoch La’nar, told Chareidim10 that Porat is an excellent soldier who has overcome many difficulties.  He added that he feels it is unacceptable that a civilian employee gives orders to a soldier, and he feels there is no question that Porat’s chareidi identity plays a role in the matter.

The IDF Spokesman Unit explained the soldier and civilian kitchen employee got into an exchange of words which led to a physical altercation. In addition to the solder being sent to jail for ten days, the civilian was removed from the base as the Brigade Commander cannot try him as the soldier.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. finally the frum people in the army will know that the Zionist reshaim will hate them wherever they go, even if they “share in the burden”. Then they will understand that the only agenda the Zionists have whether its behind the face of “share the burden”, or any other shtus, is TO ASSIMILATE KLAL YISROEL. and therefore, since this jew hasnt been swept under all the way yet, hes a thorn.

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