SHOCK VIDEO: Pack Of Young Chareidi Children Chase IDF Soldier and Scream “Chardak, Nazi”


In the accompanying video, one can see chareidi children shouting at and taunting a frum IDF soldiers who entered Meah Shearim. “Chardak!” and “Nazi” is yelled at the soldier, as he walks down Rechov Eli HaKohen.

The actions of the children are unprovoked and provide sad testimony of the impact the actions of area extremists have on the next generation.

In some cases, this is the education the children are subjected to, taught to view IDF soldiers as their enemy, to be ridiculed and abused upon sight.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/ Video Credit: Media Resource Group)

29 Responses

  1. How do those kids think E’Y is protected, by their personal Torah learning- or lack there-of! Maybe it’s their Gemilus Chasadim? Nah, I doubt that too. Until we have full and honest commitment for Torah and chesed, we will need our histadlus of having the IDF. My bracha for those kids is that they should never meet a real Nazi, as they may not be so lucky to come home that night.


    HaShem should have rachmonus on all of klal Yisrael and bring mashiach

  3. very sick children–stick them in an arab village for an hour and see how they feel about the idf after they come and rescue them.

  4. Beautiful! This is a real Kiddush Hashem. Beautiful little kiderlach of E”Y can so clearly see and know, what many many adults in Chu”l can not. These Tinkos Shel Bais Rabon are so pure and are on a higher madreiga then many adults in Chu”l. Ohavei Hashem, Sin’u Ra. These kinderlach have an intense dislike for sinners and wickedness. The zionists have tried and are still trying to uproot yiddshkeit. They have failed and will continue to fail.

  5. Hey chatzkal.
    Maybe you think it’s cute but I don’t. Do you live there and teach your children to do what this kids are doing?
    Be thankful for the IDF. Without them you may be dead because of Abbas and his terrorists.

  6. In typical, traditional YWN fashion they will report anything shmutzig on Chareidim. Lashon Hora, Rechillus, Motzei Shem Ra, the 3 weeks all aside: YWN has a degrading story about Chareidim, they seize the opportunity!

  7. What does ywn want when they post this clip?
    After all these kids are duch shomer torah emitzvois….
    So handle it with care and bushois, but is ywn really concerned or simply want to wash their diapers in public?

  8. Genug Shoin

    If what we see here is called by you & people who support your opinion a “true Yiddshkeit” I surely hope zionists will have a hatzlocha in uprooting it very soon, so those who do this Chilul Hashem on daily bases in the name of the religion will stop hijacking Yiddihskeit from majority of Frum people and give a bad name to the frum community.

  9. All you idiots the gemara in kesovos daf 111 said the jews swore they will NOT NOT NOT (be like these chayalim yimach shimum and) Fight the goyim as long as they are in galus. And Hashem said if you follow suit good, if not your blood should spill and no justice will be taken. Burn in gehinim chayalim, burn until your toast, be my guest!

  10. children are taught to behave this way. their rabbeim and parents will suffer immensely in this world and in the world to come. their gedolim will descend to the lowest rung of gehinom.

  11. beuatiful, to encourage that sinner who wears a yarmulka to do teshuva and to stop being mechazik those sonei yisrael (gadi eizenkott, lieberman, netanyahu,lapig,etc.) by being a supposedly completely frum bocher in the army. i think it was also evident from the video that the other bocher he was hanging out with wasnt from ponevezh. and by the way tgishabbos, only HKB”H is shomer yisrael, to say that those avaryanim in the army are protecting them is kefirah. during the times of the bais hamikdash only the greatest talmidei chachamim were the soldiers- and they they won battles of giborim byad chaloshim. also, if someone can tell me why classes of cheder boys are now called “packs” it would be appreciated.

  12. From my knowledge of Jerusalem, that is NOT Meah Sharim, it seems like near Yermiyahu and they are on Ezra/Nechemia which is a bit of a walk from MS.

    However, it still is sickening that kids should do this stuff.

  13. a zid
    July 4, 2018 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm
    All you idiots the gemara in kesovos daf 111 said the jews swore they will NOT NOT NOT (be like these chayalim yimach shimum and) Fight the goyim as long as they are in galus. And Hashem said if you follow suit good, if not your blood should spill and no justice will be taken. Burn in gehinim chayalim, burn until your toast, be my guest!
    Wow. Check if you are the product of a Jewish mother.
    First of all, the shulchan aruch doesn’t pasken this at all. Most Yidden already learn even from pre-mesivta years, that we don’t pasken from a gemorra.
    Also, we didn’t take Eretz Yisroel by force, the UN gave us permission. What exactly do you think the gemorra means- that a voice from shomayim will thunder down that we can now take Eretz Yisroel?
    Besides, if you really believe that we aren’t supposed to be there now, why are so many of your type there? Be a man and act with the conviction of your belief and move out now.

  14. alexfromny, a zid, and DrYidd- I agree 100%. If this is the way they treat other Jewish IDF soldiers, then they will meet some real Nazis in the world to come. I am far from perfect and I personally disagree with many of the decisions of the State of Israel and decisions of the IDF, but I am wise enough to realize that if I acted like these children 1. It would be a Chillul Hashem on my part. 2. Even if that soldier saved one Jewish life in his years in the IDF, I have HAKAROS HATOV 3. On Yom Kipur, I daven for how I treated other Jews during the year (regardless if they wear a black hat or an IDF army hat). 4. I know there is a world to come and I will be judged.
    Genug Shoin – a real kiddush Hashem would be for those children to ignore the soldier. They need not respect the soldier, but they absolutely can not use nivel peh, be geneiva’ of destroying other’s property/possessions, or embarrassing others (where I live, those traits are not a Kiddush Hashem).
    If through 120 years worth of Yom Kipurim those children still don’t get it, send them straight to burning.

  15. Why are you shocked? The sick animals who support this behavior & post here are just as repulsive. Don’t ask the police, IDF, or any first responder to come to to your aid if you need help. Just stay where you are & whatever happens, happens.

  16. a zid,
    How about the Meshech Ch
    that says ,because of the Balfour Declaration, the 3 Shevuos aren’t applicable any longer?

  17. “if not your blood should spill and no justice will be taken. Burn in gehinim chayalim, burn until your toast, be my guest!”


    There are numerous sources which explain that the “Three Vows” are not to be taken literally or that they no longer apply for various reasons. The Satmar Rav, zt”l held otherwise but was practically alone in his view. By hatefully cursing other Jews during the Three Weeks in such a vile manner, you have only put yourself in danger of these horrible things happening to you.

  18. Zid, Once the Medina was established Vos Kenen mir tun? The Shevua of Rising to E”Y like a wall has been violated. L’chatchila, it was wrong. But for the past 70 years we’ve been living in a b’d’eved velt. The Gemara is talking l’chatchila, but we have no sources for a b’d’eved matziv. But I will say that since Hashem let the will of the Chotei L’chatchila flourish and grow, B’anivus silka dayti He’s forgiven them, and now b’d’eved, The Medina must be Rayhis Ts’michas G’ulaseinu.

  19. to say that the hishtadlus of people who are looking to drag yiddishe neshamos out of batei midrashim, who draft females ( – even irreligious ones the chazon ish paskened is yaharog v al yaavor) even though they themselves admit that they dont need them, and who are working on a daily basis bmsirus nefesh to undermine yiddishkeit, that they are the ones who are protecting klal yisroel is KEFIRAH, les man depalig (from a torah view). even the few “frum” soldiers hishtadlus is completely undermined by the concept of tzaddik vra lo, which leaves us COMPLETELY dependent on the yeshivos, chadarim, hevel pihem shel tinokos shel bais rabbon, and our tfillos. Without the IDF there would be no terrorist, as many gedolim said, terror attacks are the beginning of “va`avaditem miheira mei`al ha`aretz” (“and you be thrown out speedily from the good land “- krias shema) wich comes because of klal yisroels sins. THE IDF IS UNDERMINING THE STATE OF ISRAEL’S SECURITY and for some reason only those kids understand that. If you would meet the sponsor of terrorists in the street YOU WOULD DO THE SAME. we should all be zoche to reach the same level of understanding as those kids.

  20. dasss torah, Read the Rambam on Hilchos Megillah v’Channukah: “They appointed a king from the priests, and sovereignty returned to Israel for more than 200 years, until the destruction of the Second Temple.”. Kasha: In Hilchos Melachim Rambam says that the Malchus is Beis David’s not Beis Aharon’s (Beis Chashmonai) and certainly not Beis Hordus, which ruled up to Churban Sheini. Kasha: Yannai Malka from Beis Chashmonei was a big Ts’duki, and outlawed P’rushim and Torah shel ba’al peh (see end of Sotah (-n some editions only in the Chesronos0 and the parallel Gemara in the Chesronos of Cheilek. Yet Rambam says that even though Yannai was such a Rasha he celebrate Beis Chashmonai on Channukah for the fact that “sovereignty returned to Israel for more than 200 years, “. Come back when you have terets, and explain why that shouldn’t apply to the Medina.

  21. i dont have terets. nor do i have a kasha. i have nothing against establishing a jewish state to enable people to learn torah and do mitzvos (like r avigdor miller ztzl said). but if you have zionists in the pic that means a state that here for one pupose: shmad, shmad, and shmad. and it would be better to be ruled by arabs. (i do not believe in the satmer piont of view.)

  22. genug shoin
    kidush hashem??? kid me not. seriously, yelling and screaming “nazi” is a kiddush hashem?? let them be in yeshivah and not waist there time. we have to do our hishtadlus of proctection and that includes having the idf. go live in gaza or the arab quater without the idf’s protection- we’ll see how long that lasts

  23. Lichvod R. Circle Steve: If not for the Zionists, Abbas (at least as we know him) and his terrorists wouldn’t exist.

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