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Israeli Commandos Eliminate Terrorists in Bethlehem and Elsewhere

idf sniper.jpgBy Yechiel Spira for YWN:

IDF soldiers working with elite border police and Yomam commando troops in conjunction with GSS (General Security Service/ Shin Bet) agents, eliminated four Islamic Jihad terrorists in PA (Palestinian Authority) controlled Bethlehem on Wednesday.

One of the terrorists was identified as Muhmad Shehadah, the Islamic Jihad commander in the PA city. Also killed in the special ops mission were Issa Zohara, Amad al-Kamel and Ahmed Balbul. There are no reports of injuries to Israeli forces.

Following the IDF mission, violence erupted in the PA city prompting police to raise its level of operations nationwide, fearing attempts to perpetrate a revenge attack.

Israeli officials are denying earlier PA reports (HERE) that the terrorists were linked to the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva attack last week, adding the force was not intending to kill the wanted terrorists but soldiers were compelled to return fire after coming under attack.

Earlier on Wednesday, IDF soldiers shot and killed another Islamic Jihad terrorist, Abdel Karem Hamad, who opened fire in a village near Tulkarem. Soldiers called upon him to surrender, but he opened fire instead. He was killed by return fire from the IDF forcce. A portion of the terrorist’s home was razed following the incident and his father was taken into custody, apparently for providing shelter for the wanted terrorist.

In a somewhat related matter, tensions are running high in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood of Jerusalem, where the family of the Merkaz HaRav terrorist closed themselves in their home, telling reporters they have been “threatened by police,” stating that Israel Police have yet to return their son’s body for burial – insisting that the family will only be permitted to bury him in a private ceremony, without media coverage and without the masses.

Security forces are maintaining increased vigilance following the elimination of the five terrorists today, with statements emanating from Gaza speaking of revenge and “Israel’s unwillingness to abide by efforts towards a ceasefire.”

[The author has been a member of the Israeli media for over a decade, primarily covering security related events]

4 Responses

  1. “Israeli officials are denying earlier PA reports that the terrorists were linked to the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva attack”

    Operations on both sides take a long time to plan. While it appears to be a tit-for-tat war, it isn’t.

    The Mercaz massacre took months to plan, and its timing vis-a-vis prior IDF actions was coincidental.

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