Attacks From Gaza Result In Two Dozen Fires

Friday was accompanied by another day of extreme violence directed at IDF forces along the Gaza border. Soldiers had to face firebombs, rocks and other objects, including at least one hand grenade. B’chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries.

Gaza officials report a 13-year-old boy and a 24-year-old man were killed by gunfire. Israel has announced it is probing the death of the teen. Gaza sources also report over 400 wounded, most from smoke inhalation.

Along with the violence came the boobytrapped balloons and kites, which resulted in over 24 fires in fields of Gaza border communities. The fires have become a daily occurrence as Israel continues experimenting with high-tech and other means to combat them.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The solution, just ban Eurovision in all Israel and pray to Hashem, maybe G-D will forgive us, also band gay pride parade, hillul shabbos etc etc INCLUDING IMMODESTY!

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