Tzoros For Tzohar After It Is Learned Wedding Witnesses Are Related

Tzohar Rabbis have been the target of senior poskim in the dati leumi community, and now, it appears its service of providing wedding services for couples wishing to bypass the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is also under attack.

The case pertains to a Chasuna that recently took place, with a rav from Tzohar officiating. Following the wedding it was learned that the witnesses under the chupah are related, a fact the mesader keddushin failed to reveal.

After the error became known, Tzohar announced the chupah would be redone. While the reason this was not probed by the rabbi officiating was not revealed, the error is being used against Tzohar by those opposing the organization.

Tzohar has been marrying couples in Israel for years and these marriages are recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Tzohar marries hundreds of couples monthly.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Until this article has specified exactly how these 2 fellows are related to each-other? this article has essentially not imparted any information to YWN readers.

  2. It says in the article the couples want to bypass the chief Rabbinate then it says that Tzohar marriages are recognized by the Chief Rabbinate.So why do they bypass the Chief Rabbinate of the Chief Rabbinate recognizes Tzohar?

  3. It is well known that some rabbis do this in the case of weddings of Chilonim so as to avoid problems if the separate without a get.

  4. “…After the error became known, Tzohar announced the chupah would be redone.”

    Wow, this takes real guts. I’m impressed they just weren’t mafkia whomever’s kiddushin could’ve been undone to save themselves the embarrassment. Real yarei shomayim here.

  5. was it le’chumrah or meikar hadin? thank God for the kiddush hashem tzohar makes. sadly CR in jail, delaying ambulances by protests and spitting on jewish girls by hooligans, etc. have much chillul hashem to try to atone for

  6. Shkoyach to Zohar for being transparent about this situation. The truth is that any “heimish” organization would quickly find some heter or otherwise rationalize why the relationship isn’t an issue,, and sweep the situation under the rug.

  7. Toi, please check the facts and the halacha before you make statements. It had nothing to do with that. The two witnesses were related in a way that makes them ineligible to testify together.

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