Accident At Matzah Bakery In Eretz Yisroel

matzahThis afternoon the mashgiach at a machine matzah bakery in Eretz Yisroel maimed three of his fingers when his hand got stuck in a machine. In respect for his privacy, YWN will not be posting his name or the name of the factory that he worked for. This is unfortunately not the first accident to occur at a matzah bakery this season, though it will hopefully be the last. There have been various incidents in recent years involving matzah bakeries – some of which are illegal and/or try to cut corners by not taking out insurance – which has left a few people in unfortunate positions. Workers who have got injured in uninsured workplaces have typically only one course of action available if they want compensation – taking the owner of the factory that they were working in to court. There are currently a couple of former factory owners who are serving sentences as a result of such cases. (YWN)

19 Responses


    Mitvoh habo b’aveiro LA’AV mitzvo!!
    When will they EVER learn!
    So many tzoros this year at this time!
    Fires and other disasters while baking matzohs!. DO IT LEGALLY AND ACCORDING TO HALOCHOH!

  2. What happened to worker’s comp?
    Every (legal) business has and is required to have it to protect their employees for injuries on the job.

  3. Name please!Need to say tehillim for his fingers and parnassah.
    Once youre at it please try to find some pictures and post it.
    In case you can’t find the actual pictures, you know which sites you can get them.;)

  4. Many years ago, the Viener Matzah Bakery in Brooklyn closed down after such an accident happened in its mchine matzah bakery.

  5. May he have a speedy “Refuah Shelaima”.

    Just another reason to eat only hand matzos.

    (I hope my comment doesn’t offend any YW reader, if it does just disregard it.)

  6. #2 Moshe Pippick, Reread the article, it says uninsured. If there’s no liability, you can bet there’s no workman’s comp. And is there any kind of Workman’s Comp laws and policies in israel anyway?

  7. There is workman’s compensation in Israel and if the injured person is an Israeli citizen, which he probably is, then he gets workmen’s compensation from Bituach Leumi, the national health insurance. The health system here works completely differently than in America so don’t try to compare it. Bituach Leumi takes care of disability, workman’s comp, maternity leave, old age… If he is an Israeli citizen he was working legally, so I don’t understand all these assumptions of things being illegal.

    Hashem should send this person a complete refuah!

  8. #6 that is a very unthoughtful comment what does it sound like making fun of someone elses zares have a heart for other people!!


    Who ever said THIS SPECIFIC bakery is uninsured?
    I happen to know that IS!!
    WHat about dan l’kaf zchus?

  10. I was once part of a Chaburah at a machine matzah factory in EY. The machines were operating, when all of a sudden blood-curdling shrieks were heard right near me. I turned and saw one of the operators run out of the building clutching his hand. In the end he was somewhat ok (I dont have details).
    What happened was, although there are machines doing much of the processing, humans are still needed to feed the sheets of dough back and forth through the rollers. It was these massive rollers that caught his hand.

    I don’t know what the “eitzah” is to prevent this.

  11. to #7 we should stop using any product that a serious accident happened during thier production , of which there are plenty..

  12. I am amazed at the amount of negative statements here. Who said this bakery was illegal? Who says you have to have workers comp in Israel? Who said they didn’t have insurance. The article itself makes a nonsense statement when it says:
    taking the owner of the factory that they were working in to court. There are currently a couple of former factory owners who are serving sentences as a result of such cases. (YWN)

    Some one takes an owner to civil court for damages and serves time? Not in America and very unlikely not in Israel either. Debtor’s prison is reserved for child support non payers and no one else.

    That aside, does this mean the matzos are fleishig?

  13. Matzo Bakeries are complicated, you have to reach in to normally non-accessible places to check that they are totally clean before each new batch of matzos. Dayan Dunner zatzal lost a few fingers that way.

  14. NeveAliza, have some rachmanus! This man got severely hurt! I really am surprised by everyone’s “cute” comments in a serious situation!

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