Israel: More Divorce and More Agunos Freed

According to data released by the rabbinical courts in Eretz Yisrael, there was an increase of 5% in divorces in 2012. A total of 10,694 couples were divorced by the Rabbanut in 2012 as compared to 10,210 in 2011.

In Tel Aviv, 711 couples were divorced, the highest ranking city in the country followed by Yerushalayim with 705 couples. Third place goes to Rishon L’tzion with 488. Afula is the city with the least divorces, 88.

At the end of 2012, 163 women classified as agunos were released from that status after their husbands were tracked down in another country and the rabbinate managed to move along the ‘get’ process. In 2011, that number was 97. Rabbinate officials feel increased sanctions against recalcitrant husbands account for the increase in the number of agunos released; now free to continue on with their lives.

In 2012, 60 cases resulted in sanctions against husbands, including arrest warrants, a lien against bank accounts, as well as a court order prohibiting one from leaving the country. 20 arrest warrants were issued to recalcitrant husbands in 2012 as compared to 13 in 2011. Three private investigation firms were hired to track down husbands who fled the country.

156 restraint orders were issued to protect women from violent husbands, as compared to 81 in 2011.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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