Senior Official: Israel And Hamas Reach Truce

hamas1.jpgA senior defense official has confirmed to French news agency AFP, that a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas has been reached. The agreement means that Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip would cease, in exchange for an end to rocket attacks on Israel.

According to the official, Egypt reportedly played an active role in the agreement which would eventually lead to the removal of the Israeli blockade imposed on the Strip.

11 Responses

  1. The gullible naive Israelis are REALLY going to go for this phony “truce”?Bomb the rocket launchers and launch-operators and suppliers to smithereens! NOW!

  2. “A senior defense official”? How about a senior delusional propaganda official? Anyone in the Israeli government who believes for one second that the word “truce” has the slightest meaning to the filthy arabs animals is in need of serious psychiatric help.

  3. It’s embarrassing and pathetic that Israel has to settle for a “cease-fire” with an enemy sworn to its complete destruction, though I certainly hope that Jewish lives are spared from these savages.

    By the way, in Islam, a cease-fire such as that proposed by the religious Hamas, is known as a Hudna, which is an invention of their prophet, which he used to build up his army before wiping out the innocent Jews of Medina.

    Naturally, the post-Jewish Zionists are unaware of this and certainly would ignore it even if they are aware of it, but it’s a good historical reference point.

  4. Boy, the Nut-uray Karta has got to be even more confused now. On the one hand they support Hamas as a fellow Iranian ally. But now they are tziyoinim too? Oy what to do?

    Hashem Yirachaym

  5. Laiv Malochim B’yad HaShem!

    I have no way to describe this Derech HaTeva. I dont know how anyone or any govt could be so blind, dumb, and stupid when it comes to the yishmaelim yemach sh’mom v’zichrom.

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