WATCH: Hamas Marks 12th Anniversary Of Gilad Shalit’s Abduction, Releasing New Video & Photos Of His Captivity

For Hamas, Monday, 24 June, marks twelve years since the successful abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who was held in captivity in Gaza for five years until Israel agreed to a major prisoner release, exchanging 1,072 terrorists for Shalit’s release.

Marking the day, Hamas released previously unseen photos and footage of Shalit during his years of captivity.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. We Ask for parnosah
    We ask for gehzunt
    We ask for naches from our kids
    When are we going to ask for Moshiac ?
    When are we going to ask for the end of kolus?

  2. The world is blind
    The UN will turn a blind eye to the legality and justify this criminal act, how can we ever get a fair hearing?
    This has no sense nor reason one must say its Hashem trying to tell us to behave
    Achdus would do the trick, then the terrorist would have no koychus
    Or am I miss guided?

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