Yeshiva Mashgiach Attacked in Modi’in Illit For Not Accepting Student Six Years Prior

On Motzei Shabbos, HaRav Binyamin Rimmer, the Mashgiach of Yeshivas Tchebin – and son-in -aw of Maran HaRav Elyashiv ZATZAL – was attacked by two men dressed as Chassidim when he was leaving a Simcha Hall in Modi’in Illit.

This morning, the incident was made known to the other Rabbonim and the administration of the Tchebin Yeshiva. the yeshiva held an emergency meeting and decided to send an envoy to the Sadigura Rebbe, asking him to excommunicate the attackers, who were identified to be followers of his Chassidus.

The Yeshiva is also expected to hold a rally against the desecration of Torah figures, in order to hold a show of force in order to prevent this incident from occurring again.

During the attack, the Mashgiach’s driver and right hand man intervened and prevented the attackers from causing permanent damage or G-d forbid killing the Mashgiach.

The first attacker approached the Mashgiach and began an altercation claiming that the Mashgiach refused to accept him to the yeshiva six years prior. The first attacker then assaulted the Mashgiach and even threatened to exterminate him. It was then that the Mashgiach’s driver intervened.

The assailant eventually asked for forgiveness from the Mashgiach just before the Mashgiach got into his car to flee the scene.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Killing? Come on! they would kill him I am sure they will never get to that level, maybe scare him a little bit, there is a bunch of politics in yeshivos, so maybe this guy was just fed up with it..

  2. Emotions can run high for a long time, when lives are changed for the worse due to a decision to not allow a student into a Yeshiva. It doesnt say what the reasons here were, but often wealthier students with more influential parents, get in, even though their reputations are far worse, while students with better reputations, arent allowed in. Thats very very hurtful and starts a downward spiral for these students.

  3. bikveseh dimeshichah chutzpah yasgi!!! how low have these individuals stooped???unfortunately , they have taken from the chukos hagoyim , where we often hear such stories in workplaces (where one was fired) or in schools (where one feels he was treated unfairly in any way)!! These mechutzofim and extremists should be put in cheirem till they PUBLICLY acknowledge their terrible avla and ask for mechilah koro-ui from the mashgiach!!

  4. Kidding? Im not in any way condoning this behavior, but students suffer a lot of trauma and pain when they are clearly unfairly rejected from a school of their choice.

  5. Gadolhatorah, why should he be in jail?, you can’t see in any way that the mashgiach was hurt phisically , the picture says nothing, all you could see is that he is kind of talking with him and trying not to be ignore, this report is just way too ecxagerated, I guess the guy is frustrated on the monopoly that could affects many bochurim’ s lives, nothing is really clear from this.

  6. interesting. when hoodlums attack the police of an IDF soldier, no one calls for them to be put in cherem. why would this be surprising??

  7. Some chassidusen and their “chassidim” unfortunately think they are extra special, sort of “asher bachar banu mikol ha’acherim b’klal Yisrael” syndrome. Please update us on what the Rabeinu Shlita responded

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