WATCH: Anti-Semite Rants at ‘Wicked’ Jews in Johannesburg Airport

Jewish travelers that had just landed at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, were treated to a rant by a fellow passenger, who labelled Jewish people “wicked”.

The rant, caught on camera, shows a man shouting at passengers who’d disembarked from an El Al flight from Tel Aviv and were waiting to collect their luggage.

The man can be heard saying Jewish people are “wicked” and that was why their proposal to help out with the water crisis in Cape Town was rejected.

“You people are wicked… you people are wicked. Jewish people are wicked, very wicked.

“Tell your government to change, we are not Palestinians… all of you are the same,” the irate man can be seen telling bewildered passengers.

The man’s rant was shared on social media by Dylan Rendel, who expressed shock at the welcome Israeli passengers appeared to be receiving upon arrival in South Africa.

Rendel said security officials from the airport only came to investigate at the end of the man’s rant. He said a man from one of the airline counters had tried to calm him down, but with no success.

“No security guard came to stop the man for a good five to ten minutes. Only later, two police officers came and tried to speak to the guy and took him away,” he said.

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