Monday, News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Sunday Evening 17:40:

Rocks were hurled at a school bus transporting children on the Hizme – Adam Road located in the southern corridor to the Shomron communities. No injuries were reported.

Sunday Evening 18:20:

Shots were fired at a bus traveling on the Hizme-Anatot Road. There were no reports of injuries. It is unclear if bullets struck the bus.


A fire broke out in the Leonardo Club Hotel in Eilat. Ichud Hatzalah reports five victims were treated for smoke inhalation, all listed in light condition. They were transported to Yosef Tal Hospital in the city.


The fraud/breach of trust trial of former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is set to get underway on February 17, 2013.


A PA (Palestinian Authority) resident released from an Israeli prison after receiving an early release was sentenced to 9.5 years imprisonment by an IDF court for selling an automatic weapon in 2008, a violation of his release.


On Sunday, 16 Shevat, the Kinneret reached its average annual rainfall level, an additional 1.63 meters since the start of winter. Baruch Hashem plenty winter remains and we continue davening for more rain.


A 9-year-old child was struck by a vehicle on נתיבות המשפט in Modi’in Illit. Ichud Hatzalah reports the victim as transported to a hospital in moderate condition.


The winter flu continues to place a strain on many hospitals, particularly the internal medicine units. Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv reports 110% capacity and Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon 135%. A number of hospitals are diverting emergency rooms patients as a result of the overcrowding.


Rambam Medical Center in Haifa announces it too has reached capacity and there are patients awaiting care.


Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv reports 120% patient capacity.


Ichud Hatzalah reports that a 3-year-old who fell from the top of a bunk bed in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of the capital sustained a head injury. He was transported to a hospital in moderate-to-serious condition in an altered state of consciousness.


The Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah reports a very heavy patient load but it is not diverting at this time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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