Video of Interest: Unique Performance, Yonatan Razel In S. Africa


Taking a niggun from the late Shlomo Carlebach, Yonatan Razel performs with the Mzansi Youth Choir in South Africa last month.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Fantastic performance and incredible Kiddush Hashem!!!
    Yonasan – May Hashem give you more and more opportunities to reach the hearts of mankind Mechayil Lechayil

  2. why on earth is this a kiddush hashem?
    and why is a bichur doing cpr on an african american ‘orel’ a kiddush hashem?
    let me eplain to the uninitiated what a kiddush hashem is:
    a kiddush hashem is when a yid keeps torah and mitzvos especially making a good impression of hashem in front of JEWS
    performing cpr on an ‘orel’ singing songs with a msanzi youth choir and saving the whales or performing earthquake relief in haiti is so secondary to what we are capable of.
    if this saving this african americans life is a kiddush hashem (which it no doubt is) how should that be newsworthy how should that inspire us more than cpr done on a frum father of 10!
    it’s such a balebatishe skewed priority to say ‘look at him he saved an orel’s life what a tzadik’

  3. Trhg you are 100% right, but don’t forget you’re on the site of “Yeshiva” world which is ישיבת בתי כניסיות של עמי הארצים so these stories touch their hearts.

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