Elders Of Dati Leumi Rabbonim Calling For The Immediate Closure Of Tzohar’s New Kashrus Certification

A special session was held by the Vaad Rabbonim of the elders of the dati leumi tzibur in Eretz Yisrael, during which they called for the closure of the new Tzohar Rabbi’s kashrus certification. The vaad is headed by HaRav Chaim Druckman, along with Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Dovid Lau, and with heads of Tzohar. Efforts to bring them to cooperation failed, and now, the elderly rabbonim are calling on Tzohar to shut down the kashrus operation.

The kol korei by the rabbonim was issued to Tzohar, signed by member of committee: Rav Druckman, HaRav Yaakov Ariel, HaRav Tzafanya Drori, Rav Zalman Baruch Melamed, Rav Isser Klonsky and Rav Chaim Steiner.

Tzohar officials report the call from the vaad was not to shut down the kashrus operation, but to cooperate with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Tzohar expresses a total willingness to work with the Chief Rabbinate.

Tzohar further explains many restaurants certified today were operating without kashrus certification in the past, and opening on Shabbos, while today, they are closed on Shabbos. The organization adds the expansion of kashrus is being done in accordance with halacha and Tzohar remains willing to cooperate with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. cannot wait to eat at a tzohar kashrut approved restaurant. rabbanut is a joke and using eidah hechsher is to be avoided.

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