Jerusalem Mayor Barkat Plans City Council Meeting to Discuss The “Mitcham HaTachana” Again

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Wednesday, 7 Tammuz, has announced a special city council meeting on Sunday, 11 Tammuz, to address the future of the Mitcham HaTachana, the first station entertainment complex by the old Jerusalem train station.

The complex has been operating on Shabbos, and the chareidim has chosen to make its future status a major point in the upcoming city elections.

The city’s councilmen on Wednesday, 7 Tammuz, were informed of the upcoming meeting, which will begin at 6:00PM. One of the items on the agenda is the Mitcham HaTachana complex.

It appears the mayor has received a legal opinion stating another session should be held to discuss the future of the complex, which was recently the subject of a vote, permitting to continue operating on Shabbos despite objections from the chareidim.

For the chareidim, they have tried, albeit without success to date, to persuade candidate in the mayoral race to commit to the closure of the complex in exchange for the support of the city’s chareidi voters.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. If there is any way to prevent chilul Shabbos at this location, I hope the Chareidi council members will pursue it and end this terrible situation. However, we ought not to fool ourselves about the general situation in Yerushalyaim. Fact is that south of Rechov Yaffo, much of the city is r”l open for business on Shabbos. The further south you go, the worse it gets. There are malls, pubs, nightclubs, restaurants open throughout the Talpiot and East Talpiot area. This has been going on for years. So, whatever can be stopped surely ought to be. But, let’s not pretend that the old train terminal is the main problem. It’s unfortunately all over.

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