Bnei Brak: Neighborly Dispute Leads To Yungeman Attacked And Beaten Until His Teeth Were Broken

There was a vicious attack against an avreich on Shlomo Ben-Yosef Street in the Pardes Katz neighborhood of Bnei Brak.

Police learned the avreich was attacked and beaten as a result of a machlokes between neighbors.

According to the complaint filed with police by the victim on Tuesday, 6 Tammuz, a number of suspicious persons came to the victim’s home, but he was not in. A short time later, the attackers jumped the victim on the street and began beating him without mercy, breaking a number of his teeth.

BeChadrei Chareidim reports that police arrested a 21-year-old Pardes Katz man as the primary suspect in the attack. The victim was taken for medical care by police after filing his complaint.

The suspect in custody will be arraigned in the Tel Avi Magistrate Court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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