WATCH: Another Group Of American Yeshiva Bochrim Visit Aharon Hakohen Kever In Jordan

Just over a month ago, YWN published videos and photos of a group of American Chassidish Yeshiva Bochrim who traveled to the Kever of Aharon Hakohen in Jordan. Now, a second group of Bochrim, reportedly from Lakewood, have made the precarious journey to be Mispallel at Aharon HaKohen’s Kever, located on Har HaHar in Petra, Jordan.

YWN has reported multiple times about a group of Jews that usually travel to the Kever each year on Rosh Chodesh Av, which is the Yartzheit of Aharon Hakohen.

There have been incidents with bringing Tallis and Tefillin to Daven in Jordan.

16 Responses

  1. Let me guess. They asked a sheila whether it was mutar or asur to place themselves in a situation that could be dangerous for them. I sure they informed their parents as well.

  2. This is becoming the new Uman. I wont be surprised if within a few years we start seeing videos of the Chodesh Av concerts meant to “inspire” the attendees.

  3. Don’t be such a grump, Softwords. We all did crazy things when we were in yeshiva.
    I admire the enterprise of these guys … and now they’ve got great Purim costumes!

  4. I have visited this site as a “tourist” on a trip to Petra and found it to be a relatively safe and secure location. There were relatively few visitors (or guards at the time we went (which was late November). I do recall however that there is some controversy as to whether this site is actually the kever of Aaron Hakohen.

  5. Just how dangerous is visiting the kever in Jordan? The facial expressions of these bochrim does not indicate any level of risk or danger.

  6. Git Meshige: Are you sure? How? Maybe you have Aaron HaKohen’s email address in which case please forward ‘cos I’d also like to ask him what he, his brother and sister, make of the self-righteousness priggishness of some of the comments round here.

  7. Softwords
    June 19, 2018 4:02 pm at 4:02 pm
    Let me guess. They asked a sheila whether it was mutar or asur to place themselves in a situation that could be dangerous for them. I sure they informed their parents as well.
    And im sure you asked a shyla from a competent rov whether its ok to be on the internet and blogging away. Clean up your yard before commenting on others.

  8. Just “Yeshiva boys” spending their parents hard earned money to have a good time. On the other hand, who can blame them it gives the parents a chance to gloat ” my son is learning in Eretz Isroel” . ( spell like it sounds)

    Biggest scam ever. Kol Hakvod to the “Yeshiva Bachorim”

  9. Git Meshige: And im sure Ahron HaKohein would much rather you spend your time in the Beis Medrash instead of commenting on YWN (and me).

  10. Lacklacklack, Im sure he would much rather me not be on the internet. That’s why I am embarrassed and didn’t go to his kever

  11. avi732. you apparently know nothing about jordan.
    @allan… could be the boys worked bein hazmanim and are using their own money. also parents should be proud of all the boys learning and these bochrim that went on a trip to ahron hakohen instead of going elsewhere.

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