Jerusalem: Only Four Days Monthly Of Separate Skating For Chareidi Children

In preparation for the vacation, the Jerusalem Municipality organizes an ice skating rink for families in the Arena complex. But as every year in recent years, the Jerusalem Municipality has chosen to devote a small and ridiculous period of time to the chareidi sector, while the general sector has almost two months to enjoy this skating.

The Ariel Company, the municipal company that operates the Arena and produces the event, announced that four days of the two months during which the complex will operate will be conducted in full separation.

As in every year, this time too, the chareidim sought to allow entry into the area at separate hours for men and women. This year, Safra Square decided to respond to the demand and decided that for four hours there would be a separation between the skating hours for men and women.

In recent years, the number of chareidi children in Jerusalem has increased to 50% of the city’s children, but they are only receiving crumbs from the general sector. In recent years, chareidi representatives have subsidized prices for the chareidi sector, but what they have not succeeded in doing so is to expand the activities for chareidi children.

Chareidi officials said, “With a huge representation at the municipality, along with chareidi advisors and a huge chareidi growth in the Jerusalem municipality, the chareidi public is still overflowing.” It is shameful and scornful,” the sources said.

Shas Councilman Pini Ezra is working on the situation from within, inside City Hall. Ezra explains, “In recent years, there has been a revolution in the chareidi culture, in order to give the chareidi tzibur what it deserves by virtue of the right to freedom of expression, and not by grace.

“For the ice skating rink, too, we are hosting four whole days that are adapted to the chareidi sector.” Ezra adds: “I understand the resentment of why this is only four days, but we must remember that a revolution has not taken place in the past, it was not a simple war to carry out these four days in full separation, with the full backing of Mayor Nir Barkat, which is far from equality for the the chareidi sector, but later we will reach that as well. ”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses


  2. stupid remains stupid. it does not matter on how many chareidi kids are in the city but ON HOW MANY KIDS PARTICIPATE. IKKAR CHOSER MIN HASEFER.

  3. This is run by a business. If they would get more business from a separate only crowd, there would be more days. Many heimeshe and yeshivish families go as families. I am writing from experience.

    Remember, this is an attraction for the entire country, not just local residents.

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