PM Receives New IDF Draft Law Report Which Will Impact Chareidim

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday, during a Likud faction meeting, commented on the report from the defense establishment regarding a new draft law. Mr. Netanyahu did not read the report and does not know its contents, but stated, “We will try to reach widespread coalition consensus and to pass a law despite the short time allotted [till summer recess]”.

The report was prepared by the professional committee appointed by Defense Minister Lieberman to probe the need for chareidi induction into the IDF and to establish a new induction formula after the previous draft law was disqualified by the High Court of Justice.

In the past week, various reports have been published regarding the outline that has yet to be revealed to the public. Some of them claim that the chareidim can accept it with tacit agreement, and others insist that it is a complete surrender to a plan that could destroy the world of Torah and yeshivas.

Speaking in an interview with Ynet, Lieberman said: “When I set up a committee, I determined two criterias: one, to bypass The Chief of the General Staff, two, to bypass the The High Court. Between these aspects you can establish a state law, a serious and not a political one.

“Professionals have drafted this law, without political intervention. It is not designed to gain more votes or to put anyone down, only to solve problems which have been on the table for too many years. If there is a practical and state approach to the draft law, I believe we will pass this difficutl hurdle.

“Firstly, I gave a free hand to the professionals because it’s obvious that I have a private and political agenda and I tried to steer clear of that and from agendas of other people. Today I am examining all the details, goals and quotas, sanctions both economical and general, etc.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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