WATCH: Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Says One May Ride Israel Railways Despite Chilul Shabbos

Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Shlita during his weekly motzei Shabbos shiur explained that despite the chilul Shabbos by Israel Railways, one may travel on the train.

The rav explained “the fifth volume of Shulchan Aruch is the judgement of Gedolei Hador. If Gedolei Hador thought that by levying a fine prohibiting persons from traveling on the railway it would prevent chilul Shabbos, they should. But the Shulchan Aruch I just mentioned does not prohibit traveling on the train”.

Watch the Shiur below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. To avoid confusion by readers, I think the note should specify that the Rav is talking about traveling on a weekday despite the chilul Shabbos when the railway was built

  2. If you read the title carefully it’s as though he’s advocating riding the rails EVEN THOUGH one will be mechalel Shabbat.


  3. Btw he is s sfardi so he can pasken for sfardim, us ashkenazim must ask our poskim. As far as I know the מחבר סימן רמד ס”ג paskens that its asur look in משנה ברורה שם ובביאור הלכה סימן שיח ד”ה אחת

  4. Putin, at no point he said his psak was only for Sefardim. As a matter of fact, he explicitly mentioned the Mishna Brura as support. Also, funny you mentioned the Mechaber to support your argument, who of course is also Sefardi.

  5. without looking… the halacha…if one does a melacha shabbos it is assur for others untill moitze shabb. also we have to know if the workers were jews…to

    in simon 244 and 318 theres no difference bet bais yosef and rema so what ‘sfard, ashkenaz’ ?

  6. without looking… the halacha…if one does a melacha shabbos it is assur for others untill moitze shabb. also we have to know if the workers were jews…

    to putin
    in simon 244 and 318 theres no difference bet bais yosef and rema so what ‘sfard, ashkenaz’ ?

  7. Guys what I meant is that we cannot take a psak from a sfardi posek. Now regarding the shaalo I think it should be ossur because a everlasting thing like trains is domeh to binyan batim bshabos bmeizid that’s ossur lolam af lacharim and not to bishul that’s ossur lacharum ad kdei sheyaasu

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