CHUTZPAH: Chareidi Hoodlums Attack The Slonimer Rebbe in Meah Shearim

On Friday morning 25 Sivan, fanatics dressed in chareidi garb, i.e. sikrikim, targeted the Slonimer Rebbe Shlita in Meah Shearim.

According to the Kikar Shabbos News report, the rebbe was attacked by two individuals who waited for him at 5:00AM. When they saw the rebbe, they began shouting insults at him, accusing him of failing to be active in fighting the “gezeiras hagius”, the induction of frum persons into the IDF.

One of the hooligans tried to push the rebbe, but the rebbe continued on his way, preferring to ignore them as the hour was early, before shachris. A short time later, a grandson of the rebbe who escorts him, arrived and got the hoodlums to leave the area.

Persons in the chassidus report this was not the first such incident, explaining the hoodlums use the draft as an excuse to bother the rebbe. A statement reportedly from the Chassidus adds, “Everyone is aware the rebbe is uncompromising regarding ideology and there must be an uncompromising war for the future of yeshivos without any concessions”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. Isn’t it hashgocho that stories like this emerge during the week we read Parshas Korach? Korach was quite bright, the medrash tells us, and he mouthed statements that appeared on the surface to be Leshaim Shmayim. כל העדה כלם קדושים, and the like. But Korach was attacking the leadership of Moshe and Aharon, and this is rebellious to HKB”H Himself.

    These hoodlums provide all the verbiage that sounds lofty, spiritual, and pushing the agenda of Torah. But there cannot be a Torah true agenda when the means used are completely anti-Torah, including the bizayon of a talmid chochom and a gadol. There cannot be a true fight on behalf of Torah when it becomes against people. They are free to protest laws they find cumbersome to them. But attacking a manhig Yisroel who prioritizes other things and not their agenda – that is Torahdig?! This is Korach logic. Shouldn’t we learn something from the parsha?

  2. When they broke in to Rav Havlin’s home (more than once!) in Kiryat Gat & not only trashed the residence but assaulted the Rav AND the Rebbetzin, you’d have thought their “leaders” would have put a stop to them. Obviously not. I guess they are in training for summer recess when they are even more bored than usual.

    Put them to work. Don’t jail them (why should I feed Fat Gingy on my taxes?!) but introduce chain gangs – cleaning streets, digging fields, moving rocks from A to B & back again. Let them learn what privileged lives they lead as parasites.

  3. They should be caught, stripped of their ‘religious’ clothing, shaved bald, beards shaved, payos shaved and put in a jail cell with Arabs and not given kosher food nor head coverings.

    Animals like these should be taken out of society.

  4. I’m surprised YWN didn’t shove in ‘peleg affiliated’ in the description of the individuals.
    @Allan, because secular hoodlums behave so much better than Chareidi hoodlums.
    A side point, the Slonimer Rebbe is viewed as ‘peleg affiliated’, and as YWN noted the draft issue was used as an excuse to attack the Rebbe.

  5. Sadly, these kind of verbal and physical assaults by Chareidi terrorists have become routine and it is no less important when such assaults are made against a member of the IDF than against a Rav who might be sympathetic to the IDF. Both are equally reprehensible and should be prosecuted to the maximum extent the law allows. In this case, the rav showed great restraint just as most member of the IDF when they are attacked.

  6. Very important piece of Lashon Hora, had a great to’eles. The “Yeshiva World News” mission accomplished.

  7. Totally reprehensible behavior. In contrast to the incessant reporting on YWN about this or that incident of Chareidi violence, I’ve noticed not a word is being reported on YWN about what’s going on at Netiv Ha’avot over the past few days. I understand it’s been rather rowdy there, with several policemen being injured, and many protesters arrested. I have an idea why Yeshiva World News is not reporting this. Only violence perpetrated by slimy Chareidi barbarians is newsworthy. A small altercation by the marvelous, star-studded, idealistic dati-leumi youth who are fighting for Torah-true principles? Why report anything about such tzaddikim?

  8. Ywn is reporting this because no one else has the guts to do it.
    Its about time ywn cleaned house while every one else is hiding behind their krumkirt/frumkiet of made up halachos.

  9. Typical secularist comment from Dora equating attacks on any random IDF soldier with a prominent Rav/Rebbe/Talmid Chochom. While such violence is obviously reprehensible in any case, being mevazeh a Talmid Chochom earns one the “honorable” (in Dora’s view) title of apikorus as well! Having said that regarding the spiritual aspect, in physical terms the attacks on soldiers are usually more violent and hence worse physically.

  10. Sorry but the word you used “sikrikin” means something different

    see gemura gitin 56:
    לא היה
    סיקרייקון בהרוגי מלחמה בהרוגי ביהודה
    and see rashi
    סיקרייקון עובד כוכבים רוצח שנותן לו ישראל קרקע בפדיון נפשו ואומר לו שא קרקע זו ואל תמיתני

  11. @Joseph. did you read the entire article? On the assumption that YWN is not the National Enquirer and the story reported did in fact happen, please read the last paragraph once more.

    I will do you the favor of copying and pasting it here.

    “A statement reportedly from the Chassidus adds, “Everyone is aware the rebbe is uncompromising regarding ideology and there must be an uncompromising war for the future of yeshivos without any concessions”.

  12. > american_yerushalmi

    You are really comparing hoodlums who come to invade the space of, and attack, a distinguished person who has done nothing to them, to those who are fighting simply to stay-where-they are (having invaded no-one) to save their own homes? The latter even have the backing of the government cabinet.

  13. georgeg: I wrote that the behavior of those who dared attack the Slonimer Rebbe shlita is utterly reprehensible. My comment was that YWN criticizes some violent demonstrations in the strongest language imaginable. And some demonstrations don’t even get reported at all. You are now saying that violence is “sometimes” justified, depending on the cause you are representing. I wonder if YWN also feels that way.

  14. Willing to fight an old Rebbe but unwilling to fight the jihadistinians.

    Cut their benefits.
    No IDF or National Service,

  15. first, they attacked the state of israel, then the idf, then the modern orthodox, then the dati leumi. got the pattern. this behavior is just the next phase. if their gedolim are silent, it will escalate further. you cannot let one out of the box just a little.

  16. Uncle Benny….an attack against any Yid going to daven, whether some chashuvah ra or a poishete yungerleit serving in the IDF who is attacked while going to a shul to say kaddish is EQUALLY reprehensible. We don’t distinguish betwen yidden when it comes to being the victims of terrorist attacks. If you asked this Rav, he will likely give you the same answer….his well being is no more or less important than that of the young chayal who is attacked only because of the uniform he wears

  17. > american_yerushalmi

    Yep. The State of Israel does it all the time,like now in Syria or Gaza. If they shoot at us, we shoot back, hard. But the hoodlums who attacked the Rabbi had no justification because they had no involvement – they involved themselves in other people’s business. But if someone comes to drag me out of my abode for no other reason than they prefer the lies they hear and try to impose those lies upon me as facts, then I feel perfectly justified in defending myself.

  18. Dorahleh; As usual my comment went over your head. You would be a lot better off on your rocking chair knitting afghans for your einiklach. In almost every post of yours, you prove the Chazal of נשים דעתן קלות

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