Shas MK Saida Slams Minister Hanegbi For Playing Down Hamas Kite-Attacks

Shas MK Dan Saida took umbrage by remarks made on Thursday during a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) with Minister Tzachi Hanegbi. Hanegbi played down the burning kite attacks from Gaza in his interview, saying Israel has found solutions to airline hijackings, suicide bombers and Kassam rockets, stating with an air of authority a solution will also be found to the kite attacks. Hanegbi explained he is not getting too excited over the kites, and he is not. He then added farmers whose fields are burned will receive government compensation.

Saida said, “It appears that for Hanegbi, the farmers and not included among the general citizens of Israel, he added, “The apathy and indifference he conveyed in his remarks to the same audience that nurtures and preserved the land of Israel indicates that he is far from sympathetic to the distress of the farmers, especially at this time, when agriculture is in the midst of a struggle within the home, and at present, also with the enemy from outside”.

Saida expresses his hope that “this is not the position of the other members of his party,” and calls on the Likud members to “wake Mr. Hanegbi from the coma, or there will be nothing to save. Fields and merchandise are burning, and Hanegbi calls on the farmers not to panic.”

“For your information, Mr. Hanegbi,” adds MK Saida, “a product that you worked on, plowed, planted, fertilized, tended to, watered, harvested, packaged and marketed, and that you are proud of, there is a minimum of expectation of appreciation from human beings. You heard the term from the sources of Judaism, “נהמא דכיסופא” which is the bread of shame, something which you have received and that you have not worked – that is the bread of shame. So please address the wrongdoers who burn our fields instead of making compensation a value in itself.”

The Shas MK ended with, “I expect you to look at those very same farmers, who are one of us, look them in the eyes and apologize for your statements!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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