Residential Parking Spots in Charedi Neighborhoods in Jerusalem Being Allocated For Public Car Company

In recent weeks Jerusalem residents have been shocked to find that parking spaces in front of their buildings have been painted a bright color of green and re-allocated from a free spot for building residents to use, to a reserved spot for a company called Car2Go.

Car2Go provides electrically powered vehicles to anyone who wants to rent them in large cities throughout Israel. These cars, due to the electrical needs, have received dozens of specially reserved parking spots throughout the city of Jerusalem, many of them reappropriated from tenant parking spaces in front of residential buildings, especially in Charedi neighborhoods.

Residents of numerous neighborhoods including, Ramot Gimel and Har Nof, are upset by the appropriation which they claim, according to a news report that appeared n Kikar Shabbat, appeared without warning.

According to one Ramot resident quoted by Kikar Shabbat, “I came home one day this week to find that the parking spot which I usually use had been painted green and was now reserved for the company called Car2Go. Many residents already suffer from a lack of parking spaces. So how is it that the city allowed this to happen specifically in crowded neighborhoods.”

Jerusalem City Hall responded that only 17 spaces around t he entire city of Jerusalem were given to the company Car2Go, therefore it is not creating a crisis situation. In addition it does allow for a creative new form of public transportation for residents of the neighborhoods in which the cars are stationed. It is part of plan to develop solutions to the traffic problems around the city in new and  innovative ways. We want to cut down on traffic while at the same time offering a variety of inexpensive public transportation solutions to the residents and visitors to the city.”

The city also said that the allocation of the parking spots and their selection was carried out in full partnership with the local councils in each neighborhood.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. in Israel unfortunately quote “all the rich are thieves” i wonder if they ever built a building without going to beisdin or court even shneller in Jerusalem promised that they wont build up more than 4 floors, is building up a few floors (even though they sold the top floor as a penthouse we’ll too bad) and this is every house there this is how its set up there, all my friends that bought houses were ripped off to a extent that i wonder why people buy houses there be careful! (THIS IS A TRUE STORY THAT HAPPEND SOMEONE BUILT A CONDO IN ISRAEL WITH OUT STEPS IN THE ENTIRE BUILDING WHEN THEY WENT TO COURT THE CONTRACTOR CLAIMED THAT IT DOESNT SAY IN THE CONTRACT THAT HE IS GONNA BUILD STEPS! !!!והמבין יבין

    The City of Jerusalem is a FULL PARTNER with the car company. They went around Yerushalayim and took prime parking spots for these cars. THEY DID NOT SPEAK OR CARE WHAT THE RESIDENTS IN THESE AREAS HAD TO SAY. The local councils deny completely ever having spoke to the car company or the municipality about the topic.

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