Attorney General Mandelblit Expected To Prohibit ‘Women Of The Wall’ From Davening At The Kosel

According to a report released by Ynet, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has decided that women form the Women of the Wall (WoW) organization will not be permitted to daven in the Kosel Plaza, but only in the area allocated for them. According to the report, if WoW does not comply with the regulations, they may be prevented from the area entirely.

Every Rosh Chodesh, there are regular confrontations with the Women of the Wall who repeatedly violate the regulations and various High Court of Justice decisions, leading to confrontation and at times, arrests.

The legal bureau of the Ministry of Religious Services issued warning letters to the Women of the Wall and to the chareidi women who oppose them, in anticipation of the Rosh Chodesh Tammuz prayer next week, regarding the Attorney General’s decision.

The Kosel Heritage Foundation said they would demand that the police force them to issue restraining orders from the Kosel Wall, including the WoW, Anat Hofman, and its deputy Tami Gottlieb, the organization’s director, Leslie Sachs; ‘prayer leader ‘, Yochi Rappaport Zirler; along with board members Rachel Cohen Yeshurun ​​and Irena Lot.

The Kosel Heritage Foundation said at the time that “a number of women who came to the Kosel this morning knowingly violated police directives and court decisions and caused provocations to disrupt public order, despite the fact that several times in recent weeks they have been deterred.”

“The Israel Police force was forced to intervene and warned the women that there would be no choice but to issue a restraining order against them according to the law, because they act contrary to the court and the law and violate public order.” To the women’s aid and worked their way through physical and verbal violence.”

The media statement continued, “The Kosel Heritage Foundation and the Israel Police are obligated by law to maintain the status quo and the court’s instructions, and not to allow any body to take the law into its own hands. Therefore, in consultation with the legal authorities, these women were warned that a restraining order had been issued against them. The issue is currently being dealt with by the legal authorities.”

There have been several High Court rulings on the matter, but WoW officials continue as they wish, preferring to ignore the court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. These Women of the Wall Nuts disregard the courts, the law and the Torah. They need to be arrested, fined and locked up. Reform is not Judaism and Feminism has no place in Judaism.

  2. Some of WOW are not even Jewish. One of their rabbi” is a sister of a vulgar shiksa who calls herself a “Jewish comedienne” Sarah Silverman. Both are not even Jewish.

  3. The wow will rejoice if it is prohibited for them to ‘pray’ at the main part of the kotel. This is exactly what they want to prove that the orthodox are lousy bums and they are poor victims.

    In reality we know that they do not believe in G-d, do not keep kosher, do not keep shabbat, do not pray to G-d except to make a minyan to take out a sefer Torah to make an issue about themselves….

    They are sickos!

  4. We Israeli society taxpayers paid MILLIONS of shekels for the “achuzat israel” area next to the southern part of the Western Wall but if course WOW refuses to use it because as the modern day Hellenists, their goal is to provoke religious Jews and to destroy Torah Judaism.

  5. drugcommismish in la
    WOW and all these clubs, reform etc dont disregard the torah,
    they dont belive in torah min hashomayim,, period!!thier clergy dont belive in diety.. s they dont believe in torah!!
    since thats the case why do they whom they ‘daven’. why do they need a torah scroll to read. where in the torah does it state to read in scroll or dave n with 10 . ita all torah ball pah which they dont belive in. just take printed chumish and so with all they do…
    ala mei its knimrod gibo tzeid…like all rishei yisroel thruout the ags who always faught to destroy judaism starting with eirevrav etc

  6. > Takes2-2tango

    The women are not banned for who they are. They are banned for what they DO. This is no different than any synagogue in Israel, most of them allocated by, and paid for, by government funds. That in no way means these women could come into any such synagogue and start their own ceremonies. In fact, allowing these women to perform their version of services in an area allocated for others would mean that, on the same basis and same argument, even Christians (or if you play semantics, call them “Jews for J”) would have to be allowed to perform their version of services on the same site. (For that matter, nudists would have to be allowed to perform completely nude religious “Jewish” ceremonies as well, on the same site.)

    The point is simple. The Orthodox were allocated this space first and an authority appointed to keep it that way. First come, first served. The WoW came later and were allocated a different space.

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