Netiv HaAvot Homes Slated For Evacuation Next Week

After numerous delays and a long difficult battle, once again, Jews will be compelled to abandon their legally-built and purchased homes due to a ruling by Israel ultra-libertarian High Court of Justice. In this case, a challenge to a small portion of the land upon which this neighborhood in the Gush Etzion community of Elazar sits, the court ruled to uproot the entire community rather than broker a monetary compensation. This was the case in the Ulpana neighborhood in Beit El, Migron, and Amona.

Sadly, barring a miracle, it appears it will be the same in this case too. The residents will have to abandon their homes and move into cara-villas, a site housing the temporary homes. The final disposition of the land in question remains a question at present.

The residents explain there is still a pending case regarding the future of their homes. This is why the final determination regarding the land is still up in the air. What is certain is that they must evacuate their homes.

On Monday, 28 Sivan, there will be a protest solidarity event including public officials and rabbonim at 6:00PM at the site of the community.

On Tuesday morning, 29 Sivan, police and border police will arrive with the objective of making certain the homes are evacuated and destroyed in compliance with the court’s decision. Thousands plan to arrive at 7:30AM to daven shachris on the site prior to the latest Israeli-court ordered eviction.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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