Port of Ashdod Strike Has Been Quite Costly

The weeklong strike at the Port of Ashdod has been quite costly. According to officials in the Israel Manufacturers Association, the strike will cost up to 30 million NIS, warning that is not the worst of it. They explain that such strikes send a message of instability to companies who will not tolerate their goods not being handled by longshoremen and as a result, some will look for other ports in the future.

During the strike 8 boats moved to the Port of Haifa for servicing, another left Israel, and 13 are waiting to be serviced by longshoremen.

In a proceeding in the Beersheva Labor Court on Tuesday night, the eve of 5 Shevat 5773, it appears a solution to end the strike some time on Wednesday was reached.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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