Hagaon Rav Yehuda Addas On Those Who Dare To Speak Against Maran HaRav Shteinman ZATZAL

Rosh Yeshivas Kol Yaakov HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Addas Shlita on Tuesday night, the eve of 16 Sivan, spoke out strongly against those who dare to speak out and disgrace the name of Maran HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Yehuda Leib Shteinman ZT”L. Rav Addas explained that this was true when the Rosh Yeshiva was alive as well as now, after his petira. Speaking against Maran is like, “Placing one’s head in the fire” he exclaimed”.

During his weekly shiur, Rav Addas addressed hundreds of bochrim, explaining he wishes to highlight his pain over hearing there are talmidei yeshiva who feel they may speak out against Rav Shteinman. “I learned in my father’s home that you may disagree, and there may be machlokes regarding limud and hashkafa, but to speak against him is tantamount to placing one’s head in the fire”.

Rav Addas added a story in the name of his father. “In Yerushalayim there was a dispute between three gedolim. One remained silent and the other two spoke about him and during the year, the other two were niftar”.

Rav Addas elaborated, using a personal example. “During the period of time where there was separation between the litvish and chassidish communities, there was an avreich, a major talmid chacham who spoke out against the other side. I sent a shaliach to warn him. One may differ in hashkafa, and launch a party, but never speak out against the other. To the sorrow of us all, he was niftar that same year”.

“You must know there is not a bochur yeshiva in our generation that has reached the level of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman ZT”L. There is machlokes regarding hashkafa, but what does that have to do with you?” added Rav Addas.

Rav Addas continued highlighting the point, adding “There is a special place in Gehenom, a new file needn’t be opened. There is no one in our generation who reaches the level of the righteousness and chassidus of Rav Shteinman. You don’t agree with the hashkafa? Beware of the coals so you don’t “get burned”.

The rav added while this does not exist in his yeshiva, he has heard of the phenomenon, and when one hears of it, one must protest loudly.

Regarding those who feel he is aligned with the Peleg Yerushalmi, Rav Addis added, “They speak in my name. At the time Rav Aharon Leib was niftar, I tore kriya that same day and I wear those shirts to this very day. They provide me a reminder to hisorarus. As people say, ‘what you managed to learn in two weeks, Rav Shteinman learned in one day and what you can eat in a day, Rav Shteinman ate over two weeks”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. How can some one speak out against R. Steineman z”l? He was a person who lived and made peace with every one. Even those who could have a problem he never said a bad word to….

    Shame when there those who do not appreciate a true tzaddik……

  2. Fake news- I was present at the Drasha given by Harav Addas Shlit”a – he was clearly referring to those who speak against Maran Sar Hatorah Raban Shel Kol Yisroel Rosh Hayesivah Hagaon Hadir Reb Shmuel Auerbach Zecher Tzadik V’kadosh Libracha Lichayeh Haolam Habah and his talmidim that are following in his derech includung Harav Addas himself . It is no secret that Maran Harav Shmuel Ztk”l and his talmidim worlwide have been attacked verbally and physically for the longest time now for the crime of having a different opinion. This includes the firing of Roshei Yeshiva , Roshei Kollelim , Mashgichim , Baley Tefilah , Gabaim , Magidey Shiurim etc all for not falling in line with the Peleg Bnei Braki doctrine . Most recently a prominent Rosh Yeshiva from the Gedolei Hador a personal chaver of Harav Adass who has been Marbitz Torah for over forty years , has been removed from his post for the crime of being a talmud of the Gadol Hador Maran Harav Shmuel Ztk”l. This is what Harav Addas was speaking about . He also mentioned Maran Raban Shel Yisroel Hagaon Harav Shteinman Ztk”l in passing in order to protect himself from the wrath of the Peleg Bnei Baki thugs for the crime of protecting the Kavod of the Gadol Hador

  3. It’s a very serious problem. While every person has their Rov, and the Daas Torah that they follow, speaking against Rabbonim and Gedolei Yisrael should never be tolerated whatever side it’s coming from. There is a red line that can not be crossed.
    Unfortunately, during a שעת מחלוקת, people need the hisorerus to realize that we don’t have an inkling of how great these people are, and speaking against them, besides for being oiver countless issurim (lashon hara etc) you are also getting involved in a machlokes that’s not לשם שמים. We all know what the Torah says about those that get involved in a machlokes that’s not lesheim shamayim (קרח ועדתו).

  4. @benshak is a lying piece of trash. Here is the full audio recording of the drasha. https://mobile.kikar.co.il/article/279005

    It also pays to notice how this lying piece of trash refers to Rav Shteinman and Rav Auerbach.

    These Peleg are seriously deranged. Very sad. A sheep without a leader now. Just a bunch of violent animals.

  5. Never once was Rav Shmuel Auerbach mentioned in this speech. This benshak is a distortor of the truth as is the rest of the Peleg reshoyim.

    They are full blown neturei karta now. Hardline extremists under the leadership of no one.

  6. Is there actually a moderator on this site or does every piece of trash that anyone writes get through? Perhaps this post won’t be let through. If what Banshak wrote is clearly false then why on earth allow it to remain posted?

  7. Ferd: They’ll be “full blown neturei karta” only when they stop taking money from the govt., including Bituach Le’umi, Misrad Hadatot, discounts on the annual property tax (arnona) on their apartments, discounts on their daughters’ kindergarten fees. To name a few. Don’t hold your breath for any of the above.

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