Major Peleg Protest Event Scheduled For Modi’in Illit

Rabbonim of the Peleg Yerushalmi on Wednesday evening, 16 Sivan, are holding a protest atzeres in Modi’in Illit to address the “pritzus of the local walking patrols”.

The notice for the protest was advertised in the daily HaPeles, the Peleg-affiliated newspaper.

“כידוע לכל באי שער עירנו, בעת האחרונה נפרצה החומה, חומת עירנו עיר התורה בפירצה נוראה של הקמת ‘נקודת משטרה’ – מאורת פריצים בתוככי עירנו הקדושה, לטמאות ולסלק כל ריח תורה וקדושה מעירנו המעטירה, ולגייס מתנדבים מתושבי עירנו ח”ו”.

“בדרך זו זוממים לשבור את חומת ההתבדלות ואף להתשתלט ולהתערב בכל הנעשה בעירנו, וכאשר כבר זעקו והתריעו רבני העיר בעת הפתיחה”.

The protest is against a new police satellite location which they insist results in pritzus. Making things worse, the kol korei explains, is they then added the walking patrol, exacerbating matters.

The event is set to begin at 8:30PM in the Chazon David commercial center.

The advert is signed by rabbonim affiliated with the Peleg: HaGaon HaRav Friedman, HaGaon HaRav Kalmanowitz, HaGaon HaRav Mintzer, and HaGaon HaRav Una.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Oh finally they’re making these after work so everyone can show up. Many of the Peleg couldn’t get home in time otherwise.

  2. Because nothing says “I spend all my time learning so I can’t be in the IDF” like becoming vilde chayos in the streets.

  3. Something is missing here and perhaps there is some mis-quotation. The mindless comments attributed to the organizers of the demonstration claim that having greater security through a local police presence would result in greater pritzus??? Are they nuts or just desperately trying to create another excuse for these demonstrations. With the increase in violent crime and terrorist activity, neighborhoods are demanding greater security and these guys claim it will attract individuals whose tzinius they disagree with. They truly have lost touch with reality.

  4. Exactly what pritzus will the Police Station bring to the neighborhood? Quite the opposite the police are there to stop the plague of child abuse and unwanted attention to married women now engulfing the city. And no the perps are not our “cousins”. The Rabbonim are anxious to keep the rampant problems of the community under wraps.

  5. Some of the signees are older men, but some of them are friends of mine – yungerleit. Ouch.
    More to the point, these are people in no way associated with Kiryat Sefer/Modi’in Elite. However, as YWN will know, there are many very chashiva rabbonim in KS. Suppose a niche group from Monsey came to protest a new development happening in (and very possibly BY THE RABBONIM of) Lakewood. How skewed would that be?!?

  6. as usual ppl posting comments are clueless
    rav kessler the rav of the city who is not in anyway affiliated with the bnei torah (peleg) just publicized a very sharp letter (ending with a quote from the gemarah “the good of reshaim is bad for the tzadikim”) against these patrols due to the intent behind them
    so thats not peleg
    (although rav kalmanovitz (who the steipler gaon said many decades ago that half of bnei brak is held up with his tefillos- ask any older person in bnei brak) and rav tzvi freidman are considered gedolei hador in their own right = on an entirely differant level than the local rabbonim)
    lebidik_yankel – isnt it amazing that the truth can not be more exactly the opposite than what you stated? dont worry you’re not alone most comments regarding the bnei Torah can be categorized as such if you just look into the facts so you’re not alone at all usually its just good old “sinas amei ha’aretz l’talmidei chachomim” because this group are the ones that actually follow what all our gedolim say regarding technology use etc. so we’re a little jealous its only natural so am i

  7. as usual ppl posting comments are clueless
    rav kessler the rav of the city who is not in anyway affiliated with the bnei torah (peleg) just publicized a very sharp letter (ending with a quote from the gemarah “the good of reshaim is bad for the tzadikim”) against these patrols due to the intent behind them
    so thats not peleg
    (although rav kalmanovitz (who the steipler gaon said many decades ago that half of bnei brak is held up with his tefillos- ask any older person in bnei brak) and rav tzvi freidman are considered gedolei hador in their own right = on an entirely differant level than the local rabbonim)
    lebidik_yankel – isnt it amazing that the truth can not be more exactly the opposite than what you stated? dont worry you’re not alone most comments regarding the bnei Torah can be categorized as such if you just look into the facts so you’re not alone at all usually its just good old “sinas amei ha’aretz l’talmidei chachomim” because this group are the ones that actually follow

  8. You’ve already drawn your conclusions and cast your judgments but I live in KS and I can tell you exactly what is happening here with the increased police presence – police men and women are hanging out in local stores shmoozing with salespeople (and teens!), telling them about how great it is to work for the mishtara….
    We aren’t as worried about increased terrorism in KS as much as the trampling of our kedusha , our separateness……anu amailim v’haim amailim? The lines are becoming hazy. They are infiltrating our mishkan and, layer by layer, our guard is coming down. After all, we’re all jews! Why can’t we all just accept each other?…..

  9. BMG – I was most surprised that an action being done in KS was being engineered by people from outside it, but if this is not the case, I stand corrected. I thank you for having corrected me.

    BTW, I never said anything negative against the signees, rather noted that they are not the rabbanim of KS, and some are yungerleit.

  10. holykugel, nope, just really scared. We moved to KS because we wanted to shelter our children. We chose not to live in the heart of Tel Aviv for a reason – but now Tel Aviv is coming to us.

  11. lebidik_yankel
    its not your fault you many of us are korban of the chareidy-left campaighn against the chareidy-right constantly distorting and vilifying the actions of the bnei torah who are loyal to the directives of our gedolim in many areas of life where a lot of us fail to.

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