Litzman May Blow The Jerusalem Election For The Chareidi Tzibur A Second Time

For those who remember Jerusalem before Mayor Nir Barkat, there were municipal elections and the chareidi candidate was Meir Porush, today the Deputy Minister of Education. Litzman refused to back Porush due to their personal differences and conflicted history, which led to a major split in the chassidic community for backing Porush. The result, Mayor Nir Barkat is now serving his second term.

As Shas and Yahadut Hatorah continue probing who to back and if there will be a united chareidi candidate, there are rumors circulating the Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, will be going it alone once again.

Kikar Shabbos News reports that Deputy Mayor Yossi Deutsch asked Litzman who he is backing, and was told, “you won’t be disappointed”. It is now believed that while the chareidi parties are weighing support for Moshe Leon or Ze’ev Elkin, who are more realistic candidates, Litzman will be dividing the camp again to back his chareidi candidate. Being the Gerre Rebbe’s representative in Knesset, Litzman’s actions carry significant weight in some communities other than Gur.

Once again, this is based on rumor, albeit reliable one, but in now way represents Litzman’s final decision vis-à-vis the Jerusalem elections.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. The other time he backed the chiloni Barkat not the charedi candidate. This time he’s going to back a charedi and everyone else will back a chiloni!

  2. “Litzman May Blow The Jerusalem Election For The Chareidi Tzibur A Second Time” helloo blatant lashan hara? you couldn’t make it more obvious straight up lashan hara not even trying to avoid saying it straight out this is clearly ywn adhering to the internet blogosphere standards and not the appropriate standards of yiddishkeit requires. because” hey the internet is so bad anyway so we can also have headshots of woman and post lashan hara “were much cleaner relative to other bloggers who call themselves frum ? are you people nuts? since when should a charediei media have such headlines?

  3. Whoever the next mayor is, it’s doubtful they will be as good as Barkat. Frei or not, the man is a mentsch and a real ohev Yerushalayim.

  4. Ger reads the second Dibra of the Aseres Ha Dibros as Lo ..Lach

    NOthing for YOU i.e anybody else but them ,even when it will damage yahadus

  5. Such strange politics contrary to the saying in the Talmud to *not* reside in a city where the (equivalent to today’s) “mayor” is a Talmid Chacham (apparently because such a person is too pre-occupied to actually take care of the city needs). As someone once said, the job of the mayor is “sewage and garbage”.

  6. “For those who remember Jerusalem before Mayor Nir Barkat, there were municipal elections and the chareidi candidate was Meir Porush, today the Deputy Minister of Education. Litzman refused to back Porush due to their personal differences and conflicted history, which led to a major split in the chassidic community for backing Porush. The result, Mayor Nir Barkat is now serving his second term.”

    This is a mistake. Nir Barakat won the election because Agudas Yisroel insisted on their candidate running instead of the hugely popular incumbent Uri Lopoliansky. Because Lopoliansky was favoured even by the irreligious, he probably would have won a second term. Instead, Barakat won.

  7. ,assurnet,
    He was a decent administrator ,that’s it
    One of his first acts as mayor was opening was opening karta parking on Shabbos
    [Did he get a bit better for that aspect since?Maybe. Because he has ambitions]
    Who backed the “parades”?
    It will take yerushalayim years to recover ,if it ever does

  8. georgeg: you have nothing to worry about. Just because a candidate wears the “shemoneh begadim” of a Chareidi Jew, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a Talmid Chacham.

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