Rav Amnon Speaks of the ‘Siyum HaShas’ (End Of Shas Party) After Elections

As reported earlier by YWN-ISRAEL, Rav Amnon Yitzchak was greeted with boos and pepper spray when he tried to give a shiur in Beit Shemesh on Monday night, the eve of 14 Shevat 5773. As was reported earlier, the rav was escorted out by police, but only after Ichud (United) Hatzalah EMTs checked him to confirm he was okay after the ordeal.

Leading the opposition at the Beit Shemesh event was Rabbi David Benizri, who heads a number of baalei teshuvah mosdos in Beit Shemesh.

R’ Benizri and R’ Amnon spoke to Kol Chai Radio on Tuesday, and the two faced off, each verbally assaulting the other in the harshest of terms. Following is major excerpts from their comments to Kol Chai Radio.

The interview began with R’ Benizri, who explained there are things in Yiddishkheit that demand the public response, for one cannot remain silent in the face of chilul Hashem. He explained that R’ Amnon also called Aryeh Deri a rosha and he spoke out against Rav Moshe Yosef and his wife Yehudit, and this can be overlooked, but when he began targeting Gedolei Yisrael, it is another story.

He added “In the chareidi community, there are things that are taboo, and when one begins speaking out against Gedolei Yisrael as Rav Amnon has, labeling them as he did, there is no option other than turning out and decrying his presence.

R’ Benizri:

In the non-frum community if one spoke about Ben-Gurion, that he did not act properly in the Altalenu or Kastner affair, people would tolerate it but if you say he was a double agent or speak ill of his term as prime minister, the community would not listen.

There were three chareidi newspapers that did not report, and he dares to interpret why, as if he knows. He hints that Rav Ovadia and Shas would attack him over votes. I can state personally that Rav Ovadia knows what is going on so by Rav Amnon’s definition he is a rosha chas v’sholom. The alternative is that Rav Ovadia is old and senile and not responsible for his actions chas v’sholom. No matter how you wish to interpret it, Rav Amnon has lost it and crossed all acceptable lines.

Kol Chai:

You work to bring people back to shmiras mitzvos so you know how many years Rav Amnon worked and what he has accomplished.

R’ Benizri:

This can be said about Korach too, and we know where he is for acting as he did towards Moshe Rabbeinu. Even during the days of dispute between Maran Rav Shach and Rav Ovadia no one dared to speak against Rav Ovadia as is being heard today.

Kol Chai:

He says Gedolei Yisrael have told him to run so how can you speak this way?

R’ Benizri:

Please, don’t be naïve. You heard the gabbaim and from Rav Shteinman himself. We know that Rav Amnon is fantasizing. Throw him in the trash can where he belongs. There is no merit to what he says.

Kol Chai:

And if he gets into Knesset what will be the case?

R’ Benizri:

So what! He is a fool, mamosh a fool. Even if he is in Knesset he now stands against all the Gedolei Hador, all the roshei kollel and rabbonim. What did he gain from all of this? He turned himself into the target of Gedolei Yisrael and was labeled הקדיח תבשילו.

Kol Chai:

So who do you think used the pepper spray?

R’ Benizri:

Quite honestly, I am certain it was one of his own people wishing to create the atmosphere. You do not have to agree, but this is my opinion. I do not know if Rav Amnon knew about it, but it was one of his. The police are investigating and they will find out who did it. If it is one of ours, then he should be held accountable and if one from the Rav Amnon camp, let him be held accountable as well.

For me this is not important. The issue is how is has compromised and attacked kovod HaTorah and his words against talmidei chachamim. One who is capable of accusing Rav Ovadia of being mechalel Shabbos has nothing to say.

Kol Chai:

Rav Amnon, did you hear his words?

Rav Amnon:

I only heard the end of what he said that rosha m’rusha. I do not know what to tell you. I do not understand how one can speak without first validating the facts. He is a rosha m’rusha! I wish to know if he has a recording of the words he alleges I said for there cannot be since I did not say them. He said that I accused Rav Ovadia of being mechalel Shabbos intentionally. I said no such thing. What I did say is that there are three chareidi newspapers did not write about the rav’s stroke and one might think this is because there was no stroke. This is a recording of this so you can verify my statements. I also spoke about the bus with the bumper sticker favoring my party being ticketed on Shabbos. This too I did say.

I know that Rav Elbaz sent talmidim to Beit Shemesh from his yeshiva to create the ruckus. I can tell you that the very same Rav Cohen who visited who visited Rav Ovadia and received the response הקדיח תבשילו was staged, because Dudu Amar sent him, acting as an agent of Aryeh Deri. They are liars and cheaters! Deri has an agenda!

Kol Chai:

What happened last night? You arrived and the hall was full and then it was pandemonium for quite some time.

Rav Amnon:

I arrived and heard the Benizri’s choir chanting their foul words and insults, acting under instruction of Rav Benizri. If Rav Ovadia would see what they are doing he would rebuke them. They began pushing and shoving and then came the gas or whatever it was. They hit women and children too. They acted indiscriminately. I had to be checked out!

Kol Chai:

But you come to their stronghold!

Rav Amnon:

What do you mean their stronghold? I have more talmidim and baalei teshuvah here than they do. They threatened the owner of the hall hours before the event. They threatened to attack his family and burn the hall down. These are frum people? These people are exactly how they act. They have insulted Maran for not permitting me and others to visit. The entire world knows how things are run there. They decide who goes in and they feed Rav Ovadia information. He does not know what they do not want him to know. They keep Maran in the dark about much of what he should know.

Kol Chai:

But last week Rav Ovadia stated on motzei Shabbos said you hurt him.

Rav Amnon:

Please be accurate. He asked why I have parted ways, gone on my own. It can only be one or the other. If Maran asks why I parted ways, that shows he did not throw me out as they claim was the case. And if Maran did throw me out as they claim, why would he ask. This is yet another proof that they are liars and are trying to manipulate Maran and the statement released against me allegedly by Maran regarding the label הקדיח תבשילו.

They are the ones using teargas, not us. This is why I filed a police complaint and they haven’t. This is why I will file a civil suit and this is why things are what they are and not the other way around.

Kol Chai:

So are you planning to still travel and speak, and will you visit Shas areas?

Rav Amnon:

I will continue traveling and speaking. I will speak wherever I am invited. What is a Shas stronghold. I will go where I am invited. They are losing votes and when this ends, after elections, they will be in single digits and then we will have the Siyum HaShas.

Deri wishes to be a leader and I am bothering them. I interfere with his master plan to be a major leader.

Kol Chai:

What about down the road. Don’t you wish to be a prominent rav of the Sephardi community and have followers? Look at what is going on here today.

Rav Amnon:

I am uninterested in money and followers. That is why for 35 years I travel and speak, never seeking money, wealth, or prestige. I do not wear fine clothing and do not leave a bundle of cash on the table so those coming for brachos think they must pay me. I don’t work that way. I don’t seek chassidim and didn’t open a chassidic court. I don’t look to lead anyone, but rather to assist and give direction.

Kol Chai:

What about how the secular media and other interpret what is going on? What about the chilul Hashem?

Rav Amnon:

You are correct but what do you want from me. I do not begin but I have a right and obligation to respond. If I remain silent, this will be interpreted as a sign of guilt. I don’t have an option. I suggest you direct your comments to those who instigate this machlokes and spread the lies. Understand, this is not a dispute of one party against another, but it is about the truth against lies.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. This makes me very sad and sick to my stomach. What a Chilul Hashem! Both sides need to calm down and cool down. Hashem Ya’azor Lanu!

  2. I am getting dizzy reading about such behavior among the Sefardic populous. They are much better and far above such spiteful and vindictive behavior. It started with these two new flavors of political parties. Everyone must rethink their steps before it continues to spiral out of control. Otherwise, they are shooting themselves in the leg by ripping apart whatever they built over the years. Forget about who is right and wrong. From a political aspect, they are unraveling at the seams right before an election. Hashem Yishmor!

  3. Rav Amnon Yitzchak was greeted with boos and pepper spray when he tried to give a shiur in Beit Shemesh…..

    This is a Bet Shemesh problem, violence, anger, fighting, hitting, assaulting is the way of life in BET SHEMESH. No matter who or what you are, difference of opinions do not mix in this city. Both Rabbis who were interviewed answered according to their POV and they are both accurate according to the facts that they heard.

  4. Instead of saying this is so sad, or both siddes are wrong, and such helpless drivel,figure things out.

    Rav Amnon Yitshak is right that Rav Benizri is making accusations based on misinformation. It is, absolutely, horrible, to have a “Rabbi”, who fails in such a basic neccesity. A Talmid Chacham knows to substantiate information, especially of this nature, before passsing judgement and acting on information.

    Now on the next hand, Rav Amnon Yitshak has accusted RAv Elbaz, and knowing his track-record, and his integrity, he will have the ability to substantiate such claims.

    In the bigger picture, we have a party, Shas, who has done much for Am Yisrael, and much for chinnuch and kiruv rehokim, and on the other we have Rav Amnon Yitshak, who has a bigger agenda. He will be able to do more good, and do good for the whole Am, so I am voting for his party. If RAv Amnon Yitshak was not running, with bigger ideas and plans, I would continue to vote for SHas, and the good they have done and do.

  5. #6 PinhasErez – Don’t waste your vote, Amnon Yitzchak will not meet the threshold.

    Shas has voted for the Oslo accord and the expulsion of 10,000 Jews from Aza. These two acts has lead to over a thousand dead Jews, 10’s of thousands of injuries and thousands of rockets fired onto Eretz Yisroel.

    My vote will go to Bayit hayehudi who will protect the status quo while encouraging army service in Madhadrim environment. Only a strong Bayit hayehudi will keep Bibi from swing to the left with anti religious and anti settlements agendas.

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