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Eye Of The Tiger

tank.jpgIn light of the ongoing operations in the Gaza Strip, a new Merkava tank based Namer (Tiger) project was launched, that will improve maneuverability, armored scope, and execution of infantry missions in enemy territory. The Namer, designed by the IDF Merkava Tank Directorate, is the first example of the integration development and production capabilities in the armorment of the Infrantry Corps, and is based on techonology developed for the Merkava tank.

The Namer is an APC based on the Merkava tank and much like a tank, it is capable of maneuvering in very difficult terrain. It has advanced defensive systems, and an internal air-filtering unit, making battle in areas contaminated with hazardous materials possible. The Namer has specialized equipment installed that is designated for various purposes. Among these apparatus are machine guns, missile launchers, and day and night reconnaissance equipmen. Special emphasis was put on the protection of the soldiers within the APC, during its design stages. One the many systems that will be installed on the Namer is the “Wind Coat”, a system that identifies threats and neutralizes them, before they manage to hit the vehicle. “This vehicle is breaking new ground,” said Commander of the Logistics Branch, Major General Dani Biton. “This vehicle will secure the IDF’s techonogical superiority in the field and secure the infantry system in a signifigant manner.”

The Namer APC is at the cutting edge of APC technology and all that pertains to the protecting of foot soldiers in the IDF. The systems and technology that it sports are of the most advanced in the world, and the majority are Israeli manufactured. All the companies that have participated in the project did so while working closely with the IDF. “The soldiers will be protected much more,” stressed Major Gnereal (reserves) Israel Tal (Talik), creater of the Israel Armor Doctrine. “The Namer will provied them with mobile fire power and allow them to sustain the longevity of the tanks on the battlfield to a much higher degree.”

Commander of the Ground Forces Headquarters, Major General Avi Mizrahi, noted that the capabilities of the advanced armor of the vehicle will provide the best defense against current hositle elements.

The first three models will be delivered by this June, as additional companies will be established in the Infantry Corps compulsory and reserve service in the coming years.

5 Responses

  1. Instead of spending a “bazillion” shekel on each of these APC’s, how about a few hunred each for ballistic vests for the infantry.

  2. I understand that the askonim are speaking to rabbonim about issuing a kol korah banning YW. Although the content of this post may be kosher, using the title “Eye of the Tiger” which is the title of a 1980s rock hit song is a great issur. The heilige rabbonim have repeatedly warned us that use of non-jewish niggunim is not appropriate, even if the song happens to have won a Grammy Award, an Academy Award nomination, and was voted “Best New Song” by the People’s Choice Awards. Utilizing non-jewish songs causes schok and kalus rosh and one should not allow such websites into his home. May it be the will of hashem that YW follows Lipa’s lead in doing tshuvah and cease utilizing goyishe negunim. I strongly recommend that you immediately change the title of this post to something more appropriate. How about Ayin Shel Tigris?

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