VIDEO: PM Netanyahu Addresses International Conference Of Air Force Commanders


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, 9 Sivan, at Tel Nof Air Force Base, addressed an international conference of air force commanders.

Following is an excerpt from his remarks:

“Israel deeply appreciates the strong leadership of President Trump and Secretary Pompeo’s 12-point plan to block Iran’s aggression, and I can tell you with confidence that the appreciation that I just expressed is shared, broadly shared, by many others in the Middle East.

This is not just an Israeli position. I hope that this clear American message was well understood in Tehran. And like the US, we in Israel have no quarrel with the people of Iran. But we are determined to roll back Iran’s aggression. We will not let Iran establish military bases in Syria and we will not let Iran develop nuclear weapons.

The Israeli Air Force plays a crucial role in implementing this policy and it has done so consistently and effectively now for the past several years.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/photo credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO)

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