ISRAEL: Stabbing Victim Stunned As Court Finds Terrorist Not Guilty Because His Knife Broke

Nirit Zmora and husband in military court

Nirit Zmora was fortunate, for she is a survivor and did not die in the terror attack as the attacker intended. She was stabbed by an Arab in Gush Etzion in October 2015 and B’chasdei Hashem survived.

Now she endures the anguish of the Israeli judicial system, as the court found the defendant is not guilty of attempted manslaughter because his knife broke during the attack.

Explaining her pain and anguish, she sent a letter to the Ofir Military Court, asking that the maximum sentence be handed down against her attacker nonetheless. She explains that she writes at the behest of her family and children.

“I stand before you, the court, today, more pain the prior to the verdict, still hurting, stunned and appalled…it is important for me to explain I am not motivate by revenge. I ask the court to apply the maximum sentence to the murderer sitting here in accordance with the verdict, which I regret…It is easy for me to imagine not being here, but being like other victims, who were murdered. Due to the Chasdei Hashem, the knife broke in my back.”

Since the knife broke, the court feels it cannot prove the terrorist planned to murder her in the attack. Hashem Yerachem.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. sounds a bit far fetched, something really doesn’t make sense here or is missing from this story. They don’t let off a terrorist because he wasn’t able to kill his victim….

  2. The only other court that could come to such a conclusion is the Hague.
    צדק צדק תרדוף Israeli style.
    Ever wonder about the רוח הקודש of the דברי יואל!!!

  3. This israeli reshoim liberals don’t care about jewish lives being slaughtered, this what rav elchonon meant with these peoples neshomas come from amalek…

  4. These evil wicked pork eating judges are even worse than the judges that were around during Loat’s days in Sedom! Even Avraham Aveenu would NOT daven to save these judges from being saved.

  5. this is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard up till today we here crazy things every day lately but this is something amazing!!! The knife broke 😮 if it was a Jew Trying to save his life form a terrorist who comes to kill him they will lock him up for 20 years… and we ask ourselves why crazy things happening to ‏עמ ישראל ! Because of people like that .!!!!

  6. If no one understood before why a person who turns to non Torah courts looking for justice is called a rosha, maybe now things are a little clearer.

  7. This logic us not just warped, it’s also stupid!
    Using the same reasoning, the Nazis were not guilty of attempting to wipe out the Jewish people because the Americans, British, Russians and others stopped them.
    This is not how mishpot works, except perhaps in Iran, China, Russia or all the other dictatorships. In those countries, the government decided the verdict and sentence and the “judges” make sure to obey.

  8. “Since the knife broke, the court feels it cannot prove the terrorist planned to murder her in the attack. Hashem Yerachem.”

    Can we at least see the court transcript?

  9. chaimhakoton ,
    In present circumstances that might be the reality , but this is also to be heeded as lesson and a warning

  10. I do not believe that we are entirely blameless. I think that if we would be truly outraged as this horrific miscarriage of justice deserves, such “mistakes” would not happen. Unfortunately we are upset, disturbed, but continue without any real protest or even vote for a different party who refuses to continue with the corrupt system. Sadly, tradition trumps the Torah. We are too fixed in our way. Including the religious. Don’t just blame the left.
    ציון במשפט תפדה. Zion will be redeemed through justice. If we want to reach the final redemption, we need to change ourselves dramatically.

  11. Shouldn’t the argument be reversed? The fact that the knife broke shows conclusively the intense deadly force administered in the attack.

  12. Such bizarre judicial rulings are why there is an appellate process. Unless the ruling is being misreported, the military prosecution should file an appeal.

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