Caving to Charedi Pressure, Netanyahu Urges Lieberman to Speed Up Drafting of Conscription Law

Following enormous pressure by the Charedi parties, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu instructed Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to speed up the drafting process of the Conscription Law in order to align with the agreed-upon deadline for submission.

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafni submitted a letter to Netanyahu asking the Prime Minister to speed up the drafting process of the law after receiving instruction to do so from the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.

The draft was supposed to have been finished no later than four weeks after the opening of the summer session in the Knesset. Since that deadline has already passed, the Charedi MKs asked Netanyahu to speed things up.

Lieberman said on Monday that the draft was finishing its final modifications and would then be presented to the IDF Chief of Staff for ratification and then to Lieberman himself before it comes back to the Knesset.

3 Responses

  1. The headline for this article is somewhat slanted and misleading. There is a coalition agreement on this matter. The article in fact mentions that Netanyahu agreed to have the bill ready “no later than 4 weeks after the opening of the summer session in the Knesset.” And that “since that deadline has already passed, the Charedi MKs asked Netanyahu to speed things up.” Why, then, is that labeled “caving to Chareidi pressure?”
    When President Trump keeps his promises, he’s practically hailed as the Moshiach for moving the embassy, recognizing Jerusalem, etc. But, coalition deals with the Chareidim? That’s branded as “caving.” It’s an unstated, subliminal suggestion that it’s just another one of those outrageous, extortionist Chareidi blackmail deals that really shouldn’t be honored. Shouldn’t a frum website like YWN strive to portray the community it represents and the da’as Torah of the gedolei harabbonim in a more positive light?

  2. jajoo: Occasionally one editorial personality seems to be dominant on the website; on other occasions, a different editorial personality seems to be. Maybe it depends on which editor is on duty at a given time. Or it’s a changing personality issue for which therapists have a name.

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