Yom Yerushalayim 5778 – A Record Number of Visits to Har Habayis

According to the official Israel Police figure, Yom Yerushalayim was a record-breaking day for the number of Jews visiting Har Habayis, 2,084. In the accompanying video we see numerous rabbonim from the dati leumi community expressing their hakoras hatov to police and most of all, HKBH.

The number of visitors represents an increase of 109% as compared to Jerusalem Day 5777, when 995 Jews visited.

Rabbis counted among those who visited on Yom Yerushalayim this year include Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Rabbi Yaakov Medan, and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel.

It should be noted that Gedolei Yisrael throughout the generations along with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, have prohibited visiting Har Habayis as there is an Issur Kares.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. How they have the audacity to mess with such a serious Issur especially when its in direct contradiction to the Psak of leading poskim from every corner of the world, is beyond me. Makes me wonder if they are Neemon for anything, which could mean invalid divorces, conversions etc. A perpetual disaster.

  2. just to point out after the har nof massacre (which took place during the time that that the knesset was allowing groups to go on the temple mount) theres a quote from the mother of the terrorist who sounded very nonchalant about her sons death ” what can I do people are going on our temple mount without permission” look up that article youll find the mothers quote “gassem al zkim something mother of the har nof terrorist a clear violation of misgarus baumos and not only kares. so ywn before you get all pro medina maybe start analyzing things more correctly

  3. You report this as if it is great news.
    More people being Chayev KORAIS is a big deal.

    FYI- Most karbonos on Yom Kippur are to be machapair on TUMMAS MIKDASH

  4. Do you really think that it’s so black and white this dati lumi rabbis are bigger Talmidei chachamim then everyone reading YWN so look in to the sugya.just open up a Rambam

  5. This means a record amount of people being chayav kareis. Terrible.
    The Brisker Rav (I believe) wouldn’t go all the way to the wall and instead stop at some point in the plaza out of the fear of coming too close to the makom hamikdash while we are all tamei meis. While that’s obviously a chumrah, we need to realize how serious this is.

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