Former US Mideast Coordinator Dennis Ross Comments on Situation in Israel

Former US Special Mideast Coordinator Dr. Dennis Ross, who also served as Director of Policy Planning in the State Department under President George H. W. Bush, spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Thursday morning, 25 Iyar.

Ross explained that in his eyes, US President Donald Trump did what Israel was hoping would occur, however, now, Ross feels “The United States has left Israel and remains on the sidelines to fend for herself against both Russia and Iran. This is one of the cases in which we know where it starts but we don’t know where it ends.”

When asked if he believes the Iranians are seeking to engage Israel is a war, Ross does not feel this is the case at present, citing the Iranians in Syria wish to “consolidate their position in Syria”. He was quick to add, that it is obvious Israel too is not looking for a war with Iran.

When questioned about Israel’s expanded retaliation against Iranian positions in Syria, he explained “at times, the best self defense is offensive, to attack to prevent the imminent attack, which is what we saw here”.

Ross is among many coming to Israel for the May 14th ceremony moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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